Taller San Jose Hope Builders is accepting applications for its construction training program starting on Monday, February 4, 2019.
Join our 11-month construction program and get paid over $5,500 to train. Here’s how it works:
LEARN basic technical and life skills from Hope Builders and receive a $75 stipend each week for 10 weeks
- Carpentry
- Construction Theory
- Drywall Installation
- Hand Tools
- Industry-Related Math
- Power Tools
- Safety
- Steel Framing
EARN an hourly wage for 400 hours as you specialize your skills at an actual job site
WORK and earn an income with 6 months of continuous support to help advance your career
In order to enroll, applicants must:
- Be 18-28 at time of application
- Have right-to-work documents
- Speak, read and write English
- Pass a drug test
- Have a driver license or be in the process of obtaining one (we can help)
- Jump start your career and apply by Friday, January 25, 2019.
- Hope Builders also offers training in Business, Clinical Medical Assisting, and Information Technology.
- For questions, please contact Cinthia Torres at (714) 543-5105 ext. 101 or ctorres@tsjhopebuilders.org.