The public is invited to learn about Santa Ana’s history through themes of history, art, culture, architecture, nature and more during the People’s Tour of Santa Ana on Saturday, Jan. 4.
The free tour, which continues the celebration of the city’s 150th anniversary, is led by youth interns from the Heritage Museum of Orange County.
Tours begin at 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. and last about 30 minutes. No need to sign up, simply show up at the corner of 4th and French streets (near Plaza Calle Cuatro) to board the free Downtown Santa Ana Trolley.
This program is an off-shoot of Heritage Museum’s summer enrichment program, the People’s History of Orange County, in which local high school youth had the opportunity to learn about the diversity of their Orange County community. Over the past few months local Santa Ana youth have developed the tour and are ready to share the information they have learned with their peers and community members.