I attended the 2011 Mashable Social Media Day event at the O.C. Register on Thursday afternoon, June 30. I believe this was the second such event hosted by the Register. Continue reading
July’s Downtown Santa Ana Art Walk set for tonight
The next Downtown Santa Ana First Saturdays Art Walk will be held on July 2nd, from 6 – 10 PM.
Enjoy four blocks of new and established galleries, studios, and artists lofts. Continue reading
Latino leader suggests parents stop watching novelas and cut back on futbol
Would you tell your mom and dad “Stop watching novelas and only watch one half of a soccer game per week” Well, now you can! Continue reading
Free “Native Vibes” reggae show at Santiago Park’s Nature Reserve on July 8
City of Santa Ana Parks, Recreation and Community Services Agency at Santiago Nature Reserve Center Presents:
Friday Night Fire Series Continue reading
Entries being accepted for the Santa Ana City Golf Championship
The Santa Ana Golf Championship Committee, in association with the River View Golf Club is now accepting entries for the City of Santa Ana Golf Championship, which will be held on Saturday, September 17th & Sunday, September 18th, at River View Golf, located at 1800 W. Santa Clara Ave., in Santa Ana.
The Championship Flight is an open flight open to all ages with a low index 3.9 or less. There will also be Men’s and Women’s Net Flights. Entry fees are $125 and include green fees, range balls, lunch both days and a generous scrip prize fund. For more information please click here.
Championship Flight – Low index 3.9 or less
The Championship Flight is an open flight (no age limit) conducted over 36 holes.
Men’s and Women’s Net Flights
Open to all players 18 or older with 12 month low handicap index ranging
From 4.0 to 24.0. Entrants with higher indexes must play down to 24. 0 index.
Flights will be determined depending on the number of entries received.
Entry Fees
Championship & Net Flights $125.00.
Includes green fees, range balls, lunch for two days and scrip fund.
Entry fee must accompany entry form – Make checks payable to River View Golf, at 1800 W. Santa Clara Ave.,
Santa Ana, CA 92706.
———————-CUT HERE————————-
City of Santa Ana Golf Championship
September 17th and 18th
First Name____________________Last Name_____________________________
Phone___________________Email________________________Cur. Index______
Member No.__ __ – __ __ __ __ Club Affiliation___________
1800 W. Santa Clara Ave. • Santa Ana, CA 92706
Phone: (714) 543-1115
Rep. Sanchez’ 4th of July appearance schedule released
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Representing California’s 47th Congressional District
MEDIA CONTACT: Paula Negrete 714-621-0102/714-292-0166
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47) today released the following schedule of events for July 4 of interest to media and the public. Please note that these events are subject to change. If you plan on attending any event, please verify the details with Rep. Sanchez’s district office in advance.
Monday, July 4, 2011
10:00am – 11:30am CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH 107TH ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY PARADE Rep. Sanchez walk in the parade and greet attendees with the 67th Area Democratic Alliance and the 68th Assembly District Democratic PAC
Location: Orange and 9th, Huntington Beach
This event is open to the public/media.
Rep. Sanchez will walk in the parade and greet attendees.
Location: Canyon High School Parking Lot, 220 South Imperial Highway, Anaheim
This event is open to the public/media.
7:30pm- 9:00pm CITY OF FULLERTON 4TH OF JULY COMMUNITY FESTIVAL AND FIREWORKS Rep. Sanchez will present remarks and watch the fireworks.
Location: Fullerton Union High School Stadium, 201 East Chapman Ave, Fullerton
This event is open to the public/media.
# # #
United States House of Representatives
1114 Longworth House Office Building • Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2965 • Fax: 202-225-5859
The SAPD and Santa Ana Fire Department are looking for illegal fireworks
Santa Ana Police Department
The 4th of July weekend will be upon us soon. Both the Santa Ana Police and Fire Departments are again strongly urging the public to refrain from the use of illegal fireworks.
Violators to the City’s Municipal Code on fireworks may receive a citation for possessing illegal fireworks, or even misusing or tampering with legal ones.
Police Officers, Firefighters, and volunteers will be working together to look out for illegal fireworks over the July 4th weekend. The patrols will focus on high-activity illegal fireworks areas as well as education.
Santa Ana legal firework sales will take place over the course of the weekend.
To report illegal fireworks please call 714-834-4211.
SAMC Chapter 14
For purposes of this article “dangerous fireworks” shall mean “dangerous fireworks” as defined in the State Fireworks laws and the regulations of the State Fire Marshal adopted pursuant thereto, as they may from time to time be amended.
For purposes of this article “safe and sane fireworks” shall mean “safe and sane fireworks” as defined in the State Fireworks Law and the regulations of the State Fire Marshal adopted pursuant thereto, as they may from time to time be amended.
No person, firm, or organization shall manufacture, store, display, sell, offer for sale, possess, discharge, explode, fire, or set off any dangerous fireworks within the City of Santa Ana.
No person shall discharge any safe and sane fireworks except on the days that sales are permitted each year as set forth in Section 14-55 below.
No person shall display, sell, or engage in the business of selling safe and sane fireworks without first having obtained a permit to do so as hereinafter provided. No person shall sell any type of fireworks at any time except from 12:00 noon through 10:00 p.m. on July 1 and from 9:00 a.m. through 10:00 p.m. on July 2, 3 and 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on July 4.
(a) Permits for the sale of safe and sane fireworks shall be issued only to bona fide non-profit
organizations as recognized by the State of California organized for charitable, fraternal, patriotic service or religious purposes with their principal and permanent meeting place within the City of Santa Ana, and at least fifty (50) percent of the members residing within the City limits. (b) Permits for the sale of safe and sane fireworks shall limit each sponsoring organization to a single location in any given year. (c) Such permit shall expire. on July 4th at 8:00 pm of the year it was issued
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell safe and sane fireworks to anyone less than eighteen (18) years of age.
The Fire Chief shall seize, take, remove, or cause to be removed, at the expense of the owner, all stocks of fireworks offered or exposed for sale, or held in violation of these articles.
No persons shall sell, store, display, or discharge any fireworks of any type in any public oil or gasoline station, or on any premises where gasoline or other inflammable liquids are stored or dispensed. No person shall sell, store, display, or discharge any fireworks of any type in any permanent structure, nor within forty (40) feet of the same, except that any purchaser may discharge fireworks in conformance with these regulations in front of his own residence.
No person shall throw, lob, toss, shoot or otherwise discharge any fireworks toward any other person or in any other manner which threatens the safety of persons or property.
Santa Ana’s Cafe Lu may benefit from Garden Grove’s crackdown on Viet cafes
Garden Grove’s Vietnamese coffeehouses now have until the weekend to fully comply with an ordinance that went into effect last Friday, according to the L.A. Times.
The new ordinance demands that “Windows must be untinted. Gambling machines must be removed. Cigarettes must be tossed. And those little pasties adorning the nipples of waitresses must be replaced with something that resembles real clothing,” according to the O.C. Weekly.
“Officials say there are 37 of these coffee houses in Garden Grove. Raney told council members that the cafes have become notorious for gang activity and waitresses who wear nothing under their sheer dresses. The ordinance requires the waitresses not to expose the area of their breasts below the areola,” according to the O.C. Register.
You have to wonder if Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s husband, Tom Bonikowski, was involved in this crackdown, in his capacity as a Garden Grove Planning Commissioner. If so, this may cost Nguyen votes in her next election. The cafes are very popular in Little Saigon. Click here to sift through the Garden Grove Planning Commission agendas and minutes.
If Bonikowski did lead the charge against the Viet cafes, it would be ironic since he owns a Lee’s Sandwiches franchise in Stanton that has been busted repeatedly for health code violations.
How long before Santa Ana’s Usual Suspects start complaining about our own Vietnamese Cafe, the famous Cafe Lu? The owner of Cafe Lu, Natalie Nguyen, used to be one of the Cafe Lu girls, but she bought the place a few years ago. Now they are doing great – and they even sell a Cafe Lu girls calendar. You can get a glimpse of it at their website. And you can see even more pictures on their Facebook page, by clicking here.
The pictures accompanying this post are from Cafe Lu’s Facebook page.
Proud tradition of Santa Ana residents defending liberty continues on July 1
Contact: Cheryl Eberly, Senior Librarian, Main Public Library, (714) 647-5288, CEberly@santa-ana.org
Proud Tradition of Santa Ana Residents Defending Liberty
SANTA ANA, CA – To heighten the spirit of independence of this nation, the Central Library in Santa Ana is offering a historical presentation of the residents of Santa Ana who have served in the armed forces in the Civil War to the Vietnam War. History teaches us that freedom and democracy is not something that comes easy. The presentation, free and open to the public, will show brave Santa Ana residents who took part in the different wars to defend our liberty.
The program, Defenders of Liberty: Honoring the Sacrifices of Santa Ana’s Veterans begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 1. The presentation will begin with an introduction by Private First Class Vincent Fenno-Bustos, an Afghan Veteran. Private Fenno-Bustos stated, “It is an honor to be part of this gathering, this presentation, and to be part of a long tradition of Santa Ana service members. I am also proud to be a former Santa Ana Teen Club member.“ Private Fenno-Bustos stated, “It is an honor to be part of this gathering, this presentation, and to be part of a long tradition of Santa Ana service members. I am also proud to be a former Santa Ana Teen Club member.“
To access more information in English click here:
To access more information in Spanish click here:
The Santa Ana Main Public Library is located on the southwest corner of Civic Center Drive and Ross Street (Building #26 in the Civic Center Plaza). Parking will be validated.
Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce event to feature SAPD’s Tom Serafin
The Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce is hosting their July Business Connection Luncheon on Thursday, July 7, from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, at the South Coast Winery Restaurant, located at 3608 S. Bristol, in Santa Ana.
Speaker: Santa Ana Police Department Officer Tom Serafin
Topic: “Santa Ana Police Athletic & Activity League”
In order to combat gang violence, resist the temptation of joining criminal street gangs, and encourage youths to stay in school, the Santa Ana Police Department has formed the Santa Ana Police Athletic Activity League (SAPAAL). SAPAAL is a crime prevention program that employs educational, athletic, and recreational activities to create trust and understanding between youths and law enforcement.
Police officers coaching, tutoring and mentoring demonstrate to youths that officers are truly interested in their development and well-being. The Santa Ana Police Department implemented SAPAAL to develop a new community resource program focused on reducing gang violence. Studies show that youths who are involved in supervised extracurricular activities are significantly less likely to participate in high-risk illegal behavior.
SAPAAL is a proactive, long-term strategy designed not only to meet the goal of reducing street violence, but also to provide youths with the opportunity to build a successful future.
July showcased businesses will include CommAlliance (Jan Murray) and Advanced Office Services (Tony Napoli).
Thanks to our door prize donors in June: Women Helping Women (Trina) and Office Depot (Nancy Sciortino).
To reserve your seat, click here.
Santa Ana public schools foundation launched
Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation Launched
Significant Inaugural Donors Pledge Support as Tribute to Career of Superintendent Jane Russo
SANTA ANA, CA – June 25, 2011 – The newly formed Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation formally launched on June 23 during a celebration attended by Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) Board of Education members, teachers, administrators, staff, students, former employees, elected officials, partners, supporters and community members. The celebration served a two-fold purpose: to celebrate the 38-year career of SAUSD Superintendent Jane Russo, who retires at the end of this month, and to announce the formation of the Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation.
Partners and supporters who signed on as major inaugural donors of the Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation include:
· Soroptimist International, Santa Ana-Tustin
· SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union
· THINK Together, Inc.
· George K. Baum & Company
· Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
· Law Offices of Eric Bathen
· NTD Architecture
· Robert & Donna Nelson
“These benefactors are planting the seeds of what promises to be an ongoing legacy to the contribution Superintendent Russo has made to our school district,” said Board Member Dr. Audrey Yamagata-Noji, an inaugural donor. “Although she will be retiring at the end of this school year, she will leave an indelible mark on the achievements of our students, staff and community through everything accomplished under her leadership and guidance.”
Inaugural contributions of $75,000 to date to the Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation will support the scholarship fund for current and future SAUSD students as part of the Santa Ana ¡Adelante! partnership with Santa Ana College (SAC) and California State University, Fullerton (CSUF). Santa Ana ¡Adelante! will guarantee college admission to all SAUSD students choosing to attend SAC and matriculate to CSUF, by completing all SAC transfer requirements and meeting CSUF’s admissions standards. Russo was instrumental in bringing this opportunity to SAUSD students.
Those wishing to make a contribution to the Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation may call 714-558-5518, or send a check to the attention of Santa Ana Unified School District Deputy Superintendent’s Office, 1601 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana, Calif., 92701.
Visit www.sausd.us for more information about the Santa Ana Unified School District.
OCHSA signs agreement with SAUSD for school policing and safety services
OCHSA Signs Agreement with SAUSD for School Policing and Safety Services
Orange County High School of the Arts Signs Agreement with SAUSD for School Policing and Safety Services
Dedicated School Resource Officer Assigned Beginning July 1
SANTA ANA, CA – June 30, 2011 – Beginning July 1, the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) Police Department and Orange County High School of the Arts (OCHSA), a renowned public charter school located in the school district, will enter an agreement in which SAUSD will begin providing school policing and safety services for the campus, students and staff. The four-year contract is a first for OCHSA since moving to Santa Ana more than 10 years ago, and comes with a dedicated sworn police officer to serve as a School Resource Officer. The officer will patrol the campus, to protect the school’s property, resources and maintain safety and security of students and staff. The officer will also monitor pedestrian and vehicular traffic for enhanced travel safety to and from school on a daily basis.
Under the contract, OCHSA will fund the salary of a full-time police officer, a patrol vehicle, uniforms and other equipment. There is no capital outlay for the school district.
“The District wins and OCHSA wins,” said Santa Ana School Police Chief David Valentin. “Our force will benefit from adding an extra sworn officer, and OCHSA will be assured a quicker response to any safety services required. This additional staff member will also serve as a supplement to our police force in the event of any significant incident or emergencies in the greater Santa Ana community impacting OCHSA. I am confident all OCHSA stakeholders will be served well by this newly created position which will also serve as a community education resource to leverage public safety,” continued Chief Valentin.
“As we continue to expand the physical footprint of our campus and the school’s enrollment grows to 1,750 bright and talented students next year, the welfare of our students and staff remains of primary importance,” said Sue Vaughn, Principal for Orange County High School of the Arts. “This new partnership with SAUSD will provide dedicated access to safety services during the school year. The move was a natural progression given our existing positive working relationship.”
SAUSD educates approximately 58,000 students at 61 school sites throughout Santa Ana, five of which are charter schools. The K-12 school district is the largest in Orange County and the second largest employer in Santa Ana, with approximately 4,500 educators and staff members. Its school police force consists of 74 members, 24 of whom are sworn officers. To learn more about SAUSD, log on to www.sausd.us or call 714-558-5555.
Top photo: OCHSA Principal Sue Vaughn shakes hands with School Police Chief David Valentin. With them is Assistant Principal Michael Ciecek and School Resource Officer assigned to OCHSA Steve Sogsti.
Bottom photo: School Resource Officer Steve Sogsti begins OCHSA assignment on July 1, 2011.
F*ck Yeah Amurica, at Proof Bar this Friday night
F*CK YEAH AMURICA!!!! What better way to celebrate your freedom than drinking and dancing the night away!!!!
Friday, July 1, at 9:00pm – Saturday at 12:00am @ Proof Bar, in Santa Ana, at 215 N. Broadway St.
WITH DJS: J-Novelty // DJ LEGIT // G-MO
HOSTED by Ben Danger
Roaming Photography by Neil Sharum
////////STYLE OF MUSIC////////
Every Friday at Proof Bar & Lounge
215 N. Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92701
For Bottle service, reservations, or private parties in our downstairs lounge
Contact: proofnights@gmail.com
Rep. Sanchez to tour Everest College in Santa Ana on July 5
Join Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez on Tuesday, July 5, to tour the campus and learn what Everest College students are doing to enhance their career prospects.
Everest College – Santa Ana Campus Tour with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
Tuesday, July 5, starting at 1 p.m. PDT
500 West Santa Ana Blvd.
Santa Ana, CA 92701
Meet the campus president, program chairs, students, and take a tour of the school.
Everest College – Santa Ana provides training for careers in massage therapy, medical administrative assistant, medical assistant, medical insurance billing and coding, and pharmacy technician. Everest College has 12 campuses in the Southern California area and more than 100 schools in the U.S. and Canada offering career-oriented diploma and degree programs in healthcare, criminal justice, skilled trades, business, paralegal, and information technology. For more information, visit www.everest.edu. Click here to see Everest College’s Santa Ana Facebook page.
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez represents California’s 47th congressional district, which includes the cities of Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and parts of Fullerton in Orange County. She serves as ranking member of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces and a senior member of the Committee on Homeland Security.
Evan Pondel/George Medici
310.279.5973/ 310.279.5968
Santa Ana seeks community assistance in City Manager search
Santa Ana city officials are looking to residents to help identify the most significant issues the city is facing and the type of person who would make the best city manager.
Community members are being questioned to offer feedback to the City Council about the qualities of a good city manager.
Those responding to the survey are asked to describe the most pressing issue the city is facing and the leadership traits they would want in a person who serves as the city’s top staff person. Additional comments may also be submitted.
The city has been conducting a city manager search since Dave Ream retired from the position in May of 2011.
Here’s the survey:
In English.
En Español.