Chairman Todd Spitzer, 2-1-1 Chair Alan Roeder, OC Veterans Advisory Council Chairman Bobby McDonald, SoCalGas Public Affairs Manager Paul Simonds and Supervisor Lisa Bartlett
By: OC Supervisor Todd Spitzer
Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) has supplied a $30,000 grant to help 2-1-1 Orange County develop and launch an internet site that will help Orange County veterans and their families gain greater access to services, it was announced this week at the Orange County Supervisors meeting.
The new portal is connected to 2-1-1 Orange County’s extensive database of regional services that include housing, legal assistance, counseling, child care and other services. The portal will serve as a central location for the most current information and relevant services for veterans and their families. 2-1-1 Orange County is also working with the Orange County Veterans and Military Families Collaborative to make sure that area agencies are trained to work specifically with service men and women as they transition back from deployment. Continue reading