On October 13th, 2019 at 5:19 am, the victim (bicyclist) was struck by a vehicle near the intersection of Warner Avenue and Main Street. The vehicle briefly stopped then proceeded west on Warner.
The victim sustained major head trauma and is in grave condition. A witness described the possible involved vehicle as a 1995-1996 Honda Civic, 4-door, dark blue, unknown plate and the driver as a Male Hispanic. The vehicle should have moderate to major front-end damage to include broken headlight lenses and possibly a shattered windshield.
Location: 100 E. Warner Avenue, Santa Ana, CA
Vehicle: 1995-1996 Honda Civic, 4-door, dark blue, unknown plate and the driver as a Male Hispanic
The Santa Ana Police Department requests your assistance in locating/identifying the vehicle similar to the one depicted in the photo above. Any with information, please contact Corporal Brett Nelson at 714-245-8208 or the Watch Commander at 714-245-8700.