As part of the Department’s ongoing efforts to increase the quality of life to Santa Ana residents and decrease criminal activity surrounding prostitution related offenses, the Santa Ana Police Department will launch an online web page identifying and depicting individuals who have been arrested and charged with prostitution related offenses. The public will now have access to view public information of individuals arrested and charged by the Orange County District Attorney’s Office (OCDA) with prostitution related offenses. The identity of those arrested and charged with prostitution related offenses will appear as they were provided to police officers in the field at the time of arrests.

The web page will include the following information:
• Offender Picture
• Offender Name
• Age of Offender
• Charges Filed by the OCDA’s Office
The above listed information will be posted for 15 days and then removed.

This past year, the Department has made over 300 prostitution related arrests and specifically 19 pimping and pandering arrests directly impacting Human Trafficking offenses associated with these activities.
The Department’s new web page will be accessible beginning on May 27, 2019.
Councilmember Jose Solorio said, “For too long, Santa Ana has been complacent with human trafficking activity in our city, and along Harbor Blvd. in particular. We have to take active stands against it and I’m pleased we are finally implementing this new initiative to help address the problem.”
“I’m happy to see that the solicitors who’ve kept this industry alive for decades, will finally be made public for their friends, family, neighbors, employers, and spouses to see. It’s their cross to bear and it’s time we put the safety and concern of Santa Ana residents first”, said Councilmember David Penaloza.
Chief David Valentin said, “Enforcement alone has not eliminated prostitution related activity in our city. The City is evaluating traffic mitigation options, increased community engagement, the use of enhanced undercover surveillance and enforcement operations as part of our overall strategy to decrease the negative effects these crimes have on our community. Publicly posting the photos and identities of individuals arrested and charged with prostitution related offenses is another step the City and the Department are taking to curtail this criminal conduct and enhance the quality of life in our neighborhoods.”