The medical marijuana dispensary lottery held in Santa Ana’s City Council Chambers yesterday felt like a cross between a horse race, with all the handicapping going on, and an expensive game of Bingo, according to NBC News.
Cypress Hill rapper Louis Freese, better known as B-Real, was one of the twenty lottery winners. He said that he plans to name his collective Dr. Greenthumb, according to the O.C. Register.
The city received 630 applications for up to 20 slots. At $1,690 per application with a $12,086 background check fee for selected applicants, Santa Ana expects to make at least $1 million from the process, revenue that is earmarked for enforcement of the voter-backed measure, according to the Voice of OC.
The randomly selected applicants now move on to the Regulatory Safety Permit phase of the process; that application costs $12,086 and is submitted to the Santa Ana Police Department. People can start applying for the permit Friday; the city then has 60 days to review the application, according to the L.A. Times.