A jogger was assaulted at Santiago Park before 10 a.m. on Sunday morning.
There are two suspects. They were parked in a vehicle at the baseball field located off of Santiago St.
A neighbor described the suspects’ vehicle as a possibly dark green or grey 90s Chevy pickup truck, 2 door extended cab with a bad paint job.
At least four SAPD police units were at the scene and the OC Sheriff’s Department helicopter was circling overhead looking for the suspects’ vehicle.
There is a chance that a neighbor’s front porch security video camera recorded the assault and/or the suspects and their vehicle.
The victim appeared to be a mature white male. So far no description of the suspects has been made.
In related news several residents of the Park Santiago Neighborhood have been targeted lately by thieves who have been stealing Christmas decorations from their front yards. Neighbors are now putting their decorations away at night or securing them with chains.

There are quite a few homes up for sale in the Park Santiago Neighborhood. That has been a trend for some time. It is a shame as this was once a great neighborhood.
The homeless are very prevalent now in Santiago Park. You see them roaming the Park Santiago neighborhood late at night – both on foot and on their bikes.
The parking spaces at the Santiago Park baseball field are often occupied late at night by individuals who often appear to be using drugs in their vehicles.
Would a fence, similar to what they are putting up in Jack Fisher Park – between the creek & the park be helpful in discouraging homeless?
The truck sped by my daughter and I as we were driving down Santiago at that time and I said to my daughter let’s get the license plate number written down I bet they just broke the law but they sped off before I could there were two people in the truck.
I believe the police found video from an adjacent home. Hopefully they could make out the license plate!
“It is a shame as this was once a great neighborhood.”
Park Santiago is still a great neighborhood! The residents who live there make it great. Hoping that that the police can increase patrolling and enforce our laws.
There are no more homes for sale than normal in Park Santiago. It’s a great neighborhood.