To: Mayor and City Council
From: SAPOA Board of Directors
Re: Follow-up to City Manager and Chief’s Memorandum
This response is based on the overwhelming displeasure of the Santa Ana Police Officers Association (SAPOA) and the SAPOA Board of Directors regarding the memorandum released on August 30, 2016, by the City Manager and Chief of Police. The memo contained numerous misrepresentations and distorted the current crime picture and fact pattern during their tenure, beginning in 2013.
The truth must never be hidden from the community and the officials sworn to protect and represent the public.
I applaud the City Manager for recognizing the phenomenal job Chief Paul Walters did from 1987 to 2013 during his 25 plus years, reducing crime by 74%. However, why is the current crime picture distorted with statistics from 1987, utilizing three-year averages? Continue reading