You may have noticed a ruckus last night, at a laundromat located at Grand and Fairhaven in Santa Ana. Turns out there was a fight that turned into a stabbing and then a carjacking, according to CBS.
Apparently a fight broke out among a group of young men at the laundromat. Not sure what they were doing there. Perhaps laundry? The other stores at that plaza include a massage business and a Big Lots as well as Buccaneer Pizza, which makes terrific gourmet pizzas.

One of the boys who was attacked in the fight called his mom and asked for a pickup. The fight then moved to nearby streets in Tustin.
The dutiful mom showed up to pick up her attacked son but then the situation got uglier as she was carjacked at Fairhaven and Eastwood. Thankfully she was not hurt.
The carjacked vehicle was a Ford Expedition. The police put out an alert about the vehicle and it was eventually spotted in the area by police officers. They subsequently arrested three juvenile suspects at about 10:45 p.m. Monday night at the 13300 block of Flint in Tustin.
Eventually a man showed up at a local hospital with stab wounds. He is expected to survive but he was arrested and police believe he is the one who started the fight at the laundromat.
The SAPD is also apparently looking for the young man who called his mom for a pickup, inadvertently setting off the carjacking incident.