SAUSD School Board candidate Angie Cano has planned a precinct walk for this weekend as follows:
Saturday: 7:00 am-11:00 am and/or 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Sunday: 7:00 am-11:00 am and/or 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Continue reading
SAUSD School Board candidate Angie Cano has planned a precinct walk for this weekend as follows:
Saturday: 7:00 am-11:00 am and/or 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Sunday: 7:00 am-11:00 am and/or 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Continue reading→
The People’s Soap Company presents: Soap Making Workshop
DATE/TIME: Sunday, October 12, 1:30 pm-4:00 pm
LOCATION: The People’s Soap Company at 177 E City Place Dr., Santa Ana, CA, 92705
MORE INFO: Continue reading→
Santa Ana Police Department
SANTA ANA – The Orange County Gang Reduction Intervention Partnership (OC GRIP), local law enforcement, and community organizations will host a presentation tomorrow to dignitaries from Guatemala offering strategies and prevention techniques to help at-risk youth. The presentation will cover components of the OC GRIP program, OC GRIP’S partnership with small businesses and corporations, community involvement through mentorship, and incentive outreach programs to award at-risk teens who stay away from gang activity and do well in school. The presentation will take place tomorrow, Oct. 1, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. at the Santa Ana Police Department.
Since 2012, the City of Santa Ana has participated in a series of exchanges and trainings with municipalities in Guatemala, under the International City/County Management Association, to help develop innovative violence and prevention programs. Part of its goal is to provide training and technical assistance to local governments and community groups in coordination with police and other local-level programs. Continue reading→
The Santa Ana Police Officers Association has announced their endorsements with regard to the upcoming November City Council election. While it was not surprising to see them endorse incumbents David Benavides and Sal Tinajero, in Wards 4 and 6, it was refreshing to see them back a challenger, Mirna Velasquez, in Ward 2.
SAPOA also is backing Mayor Miguel Pulido instead of Roman Reyna. Continue reading→
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed Tuesday that the first case of Ebola has appeared in the U.S. A man in Dallas, who is not a health care worker, has tested positive for the virus, the agency says. The man flew to the U.S. from Liberia, arriving on Sept. 20, and wasn’t sick on the flight, and had no symptoms when he arrived, according to NPR.
The person sought medical care at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas after developing symptoms consistent with Ebola. Based on the person’s travel history and symptoms, CDC recommended testing for Ebola. The medical facility isolated the patient and sent specimens for testing at CDC and at a Texas lab participating in CDC’s Laboratory Response Network. CDC and the Texas Health Department reported the laboratory test results to the medical center to inform the patient. Local public health officials have begun identifying close contacts of the person for further daily monitoring for 21 days after exposure, according to the CDC. Continue reading→
Mark your calendars, grab your costumes, and join us for our annual “merry not scary” Boo at the Zoo! The Friends of Santa Ana Zoo and B.P.O. Elks Santa Ana Lodge #794 present the 24th Annual Boo at the Zoo located at the Santa Ana Zoo, “Home of the 50 Monkeys.”
The event will take place from 5:30 PM to 8 PM on Saturday, October 18, and Sunday, October 19; Saturday, October 25; Sunday, October 26; and Thursday, October 30, rain or shine. Continue reading→
City of Santa Ana
The National Institute for Museum and Library Services awarded the Santa Ana Public Library a $495,000 grant for its Memories of Migration program. The grant was awarded as part of the Institute’s National Leadership – Demonstration Grant program, which supports projects that address challenges faced by libraries across the United States, and have the potential to create programs and practices that improve library services nationwide.
Lead by the Santa Ana Public Library and the Webby-award winning non-profit Historypin project, Memories of Migration is a three-year community memory program that builds on the Library’s unique Teen Historian program to jump start the development of cultural heritage collections around the shared stories of human migration in America. Techniques developed by the library will be tested in model programs operated by four libraries and agencies that serve new immigrant communities in four different states, including New York, New Mexico, Connecticut and California. Continue reading→
Contact: Dr. Long Pham, 949-500-9887,
Santa Ana, CA September 30th, 2014 – To avoid the humiliation of having another county elected official being convicted and taken to prison while in office, similar to that of former sheriff Mike Carona, today the voters in the First Supervisorial District of
Orange County will serve supervisor Janet Nguyen the Notice of lntention to Circulate Recall Petition at OC BOARD HEARING ROOM, FIRST FLOOR, Address: 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, California. Date/Time: Tuesday, 913012014, after 9:30 AM.
The grounds for the recall are as follows: Continue reading→
Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill, SB 850, by Senator Marty Block (D-San Diego) that will allow community college districts to grant baccalaureate degrees. This will start out as a pilot program that will allow 15 campuses from 15 different districts to offer one baccalaureate degree each starting Jan.1, 2015 and ending in July 1, 2023. Programs would begin no later than the 2017-18 academic year.
Baccalaureate degrees offered at the chosen campuses could not be duplicative of degrees offered by the University of California (UC) or California State University (CSU) campuses. “It will be value added, not duplicative,” Block said. The state’s community college Board of Governors and Chancellor in consultation with the UC and CSU systems would select the participating districts and campuses. Continue reading→
Television Commercials Discuss Opponent Supervisor Janet Nguyen’s Ethical Lapses And Her Effort To Circumvent Proposition 13 Taxpayer Protections
SANTA ANA – The Solorio for State Senate Campaign has kicked off an aggressive television ad campaign with the heavy rotation of two different commercials criticizing opponent Janet Nguyen for using her Orange County Supervisor office budget to benefit her inner circle and for circumventing Proposition 13 taxpayer protections by voting for paramedic fees for seniors and people requiring “advanced life support.”
The television commercials point out that Orange County Supervisor Janet Nguyen: Continue reading→
City of Santa Ana, Downtown Orange County
SANTA ANA, CA (September 30, 2014) – The City of Santa Ana was awarded with over $1.2 Million for the hiring of ten additional police officers by the federal Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program. The award represents the largest allocation in Southern California and will be used to meet the City’s public safety hiring goals.
“This is great news for the City of Santa Ana,” said Mayor Miguel Pulido. “Public safety is the community’s number one priority and with our new strengthened financial position we will be able to take advantage of this grant and hire much needed police officers. Having recently gone on a ride along with our officers I know first-hand how this funding will make an impact.” Continue reading→
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Joel Zlotnik (714) 560-5713/Eric Carpenter (714) 560-5697
Service Animal Training Offers Free Rides for Dogs and Owners
Event helps service animals and handlers learn to navigate public transit
ORANGE – A free service animal training day, hosted by the Orange County Transportation Authority and Knott’s Berry Farm, is back for the second time this year.
The training day is set for Saturday, Oct. 4 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fullerton Park and Ride, 3000 W. Orangethorpe Ave. Participants can begin checking in at 7:30 a.m. to receive their Knott’s Berry Farm wristbands. Participants will enjoy unlimited practice boarding, riding and exiting an OCTA bus with their service animals. The round-trip training bus will depart every 20 minutes and will follow a special bus route for training day attendees. Trainers are encouraged to ride multiple times. Continue reading→
The First Annual “Loving ART” Fundraiser & Exhibition benefiting OC Therapeutic Arts Center has been set for October 4, 2014, from 5:30 pm-9:30 pm, at The Gallery on Glassell, located at 2430 N Glassell Street, in Orange.
This Art Show Fundraiser will help support Santa Ana youth in need of the Arts, Therapeutic Arts & Creative Education – in order for them to have a safe place to fully express themselves and realize their creative and overall potential! Continue reading→
Never mind the West Nile Virus – which has only claimed four lives in Orange County and has mostly sickened homeless people who sleep outdoors. A far more serious disease has arrived in California and it targets our children. I am referring to Enterovirus D68.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) confirmed four Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) cases in patients in San Diego (3) and Ventura (1) counties earlier this month.
The four Enterovirus D68 cases are the first confirmed cases in California in 2014 due to EV-D68. But the USA Today reported back in February of this year that “A mysterious polio-like syndrome has affected as many as 25 California children, leaving them with paralyzed limbs and little hope of recovery.” That article stated that the disease was not identified but was thought to be an Enterovirus. Continue reading→
Governor Jerry Brown announced yesterday that he had declined to sign State Senator Lou Correa’s SB 928 – a bill that would have required the Governor’s Office of Economic and Business Development to open an international trade and investment office in Mexico.
In Brown’s veto message he wrote that he agreed that trade with Mexico is of significant importance. Brown mentioned that he traveled to Mexico in August of this year and he hosted the President of Mexico in Sacramento shortly thereafter. Continue reading→