Carlos Bustamante dragged off in handcuffs
When Costa Mesa attorney Steve Young last ran for office, in 2012, he said that “Democrats can’t simply run against the culture of corruption in Washington.”
Perhaps he was serious. Young is now one of Carlos Bustamante’s lawyers. You remember Bustamante? A former Santa Ana Councilman who was brought into the halls of the County of Orange and turned into a darling of the OC GOP? Only to find himself arrested and charged with multiple felonies and misdemeanors stemming from sexual harassment charges?
Here’s the deal. Bustamante now admits that he had sex with all sorts of women at the County of Orange but he says it was consensual. He has paid bitterly for his misbehavior – losing his job and his wife. But his lawyers, Young and another lawyer named Gina L. Kershaw, say that he was set up. So was he? Continue reading