OC Beaches Get Clean Bill of Health for Summer
(Santa Ana, CA) —Orange County residents aren’t the only ones who’ve been working to get fit for the summer season—the coastline has been watching its waste-line too.
Today, the environmental non-profit Heal the Bay released its annual “Beach Bummer List” ranking California’s most polluted shorelines – without a single Orange County beach listed. This year marks the first time in six years that stubborn list-dweller Poche Beach in South Orange County hasn’t appeared on the list.
Poche Beach’s clean bill of health is thanks to the combined efforts of the County’s OC Watersheds agency, city of San Clemente, OC Parks, OC Waste & Recycling, the South Coast Water District and the city of Dana Point. The beach is located where Dana Point and San Clemente meet, near a flood-control channel plagued by high bacteria levels. Continue reading