There were 30 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading
There were 30 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Sunday, Nov. 3, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading→
Check out Santa Ana Underground – Santa Ana’s Open Mic night, set for every Thursday at 9 pm, at the basement of the Santora building.
This is true, unadulterated, to the heart, uncensored, what open mic was meant to be!
Bring folding chairs, as its in a basement commons area, but there are places to sit, but there needs to be more. Continue reading→
A punk rock show has been set for Saturday, November 9, 2013, at 6 pm, at Arte de la Tierra, located at 1415 N. Main St., in Santa Ana.
The show includes Radio*77, MobAttack, Chuy Poluka and the Barroom Junkies. A $3 donation is requested. Continue reading→
In its 11th year, Noche de Altares (Night of the Altars), was expected to draw tens of thousands over nine hours with its entertainment stages, community-based vendors and more than 100 ofrendas (altars) dedicated to the memory of the deceased, according to the O.C. Register.
The event, which was held yesterday, “has become more commercialized, it is now a combination of an art exhibit and street fair,” according to the Santa Ana Sentinel, which also reported that “El día de los muertos was very much the theme of the night at the Santora where just about all of the galleries displayed artwork, photography, even clothing influenced by the day of the dead theme.”
But friends tell me that while they enjoyed the event, they also started to see major signs that hipsters are trying to turn this special cultural event into yet another Mexican drinking holiday, like Cinco de Mayo. The OC Weekly saw this coming, running a Do’s and Don’ts article before the Noche de Altares event. Here are a few excerpts from that article: Continue reading→
Orange County Play Action Flag Football Spring Registration is now open! Tentative season dates are March 7 – May 23, 2014. The sports field is located at 2000 E. 1st Street, in Tustin. Click here to check out their Facebook page. Click here to register.
Play Action Flag Football’ is a non-profit 6 vs. 6 non-contact coed youth flag football league for ages Kindergarten to Eighth grade in Orange County. Features of Play Action Flag Football include:
There were 21 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading→
The 11th Annual Noche de Altares (Day of the Dead/Dia de los Muertos) event is set for Saturday, November 2, 2013, from 1 to 10 pm, at 4th and Birch Streets, in Santa Ana. Click here for Facebook updates.
This event is free to the public. The event includes: Continue reading→
Santa Ana Police Department Advisory: Update- Detective request public’s assistance -Suspicious Death/Homicide Investigation
Detectives advise that family members have contacted them based on media reports on this case. The victim in this case has been ID’ed as Gloria Sanchez (21) additionally the small child found with her was her 13 month old daughter ( no name released).
Additionally Friday night Fransico Montano’s (21) turned himself and his vehicle a Black Toyota Rav4 into the detectives at the Police Department. Montano is the victims boyfriend and father of the 13 month old child. Montano was uncooperative with Detectives at this time. Detectives booked Montano into Santa Ana Police Department Jail for CVC 20001(a) Felony Hit and Run for now pending further investigation. Bail was enhanced to 200k as Montano is considered a flight risk. Continue reading→
The Sisters of the Company of Mary are hosting a fundraiser today, Nov. 2, 2013, from 3 pm to 9 pm called “A Christmas Gift for the Forgotten,” at the Sainte Anne Convent, located at 1339 S. Broadway, in Santa Ana.
This Kermes (fundraiser) will raise funds to provide a very special Christmas dinner for incarcerated youth at juvenile hall. Call (818)795-9052 if you have any questions or want to RSVP. Continue reading→
There were 18 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Friday, Nov. 1, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading→
Orange County District Attorney Press Release
For Immediate Release: November 1, 2013
SANTA ANA – Thirteen men were convicted and sentenced for attempting or agreeing to engage in prostitution. Geobani Jonathan Benitez, 24, Tustin; Eufermio Duarte, 36, Santa Ana; Ierusamlema Stevenson Faupusa, 37 Los Alamitos; Jeremy Fields, 38, Costa Mesa; Michael Allen Gomez, 51, Santa Ana; Juan Valdez Heredia, 67, Santa Ana; Noe Hernandez, 35, Santa Ana; and Arnulfo Martinez, 28, Santa Ana; each pleaded guilty in October 2013, to one misdemeanor count of agreeing to engage in prostitution. Jesus Quezada Cisneros, 55, Garden Grove, pleaded guilty Oct. 10, 2013, to one misdemeanor count of loitering with intent to commit prostitution.
Benitez, Cisneros, Duarte, Fields, Faupusa, Gomez, Heredia, Hernandez, and Arnulfo Martinez, were each sentenced to three years informal probation and 10 days in jail with the possibility of CalTrans in lieu of jail, and must submit to AIDS testing and education. Benitez, Cisneros, Duarte, Faupusa, Fields, and Hernandez, were also required to donate to the Victim/Witness Emergency Fund. Continue reading→
For Immediate Release: November 1, 2013
Santiago Canyon and Santa Ana Colleges Offer 4-Week January Intersession
(Santa Ana)— Santa Ana and Santiago Canyon College are offering a January intersession beginning January 6, 2014 through February 2, 2014. Students who were enrolled during fall 2013 will be able to register for classes starting Monday, November 4. New and returning students can register beginning November 6 and registration remains open until January 3, 2014.
A wide range of classes are available at both colleges with an emphasis on general education requirements, including English, mathematics, science, social sciences, kinesiology, and more. Full class details are available for Santa Ana College (SAC) at and for Santiago Canyon College (SCC) at
There were 16 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Halloween, Oct. 31, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading→
OCTA Has Drivers Seeing More Green Through Signal Synchronization Program
Goal of improving 2,000 intersections with renewed Measure M funds more than halfway complete
ORANGE – Motorists throughout Orange County are moving along city streets more efficiently and saving gas thanks to the Orange County Transportation Authority’s signal synchronization effort.
An update to the OCTA’s board this week showed that more than 1,074 intersections, along 269 miles of streets, have been synchronized in the last five years. That’s more than halfway toward the original 30-year Measure M goal to synchronize 2,000 intersections along 750 miles of roadway. Continue reading→
The Santa Ana Police Department responded to a report of a woman who was found lying on the street at 1600 W. Edinger last night at around 8 pm, according to an SAPD press release. Upon arrival, the police officers located a woman who had sustained major trauma apparently as a result of either being pushed or jumping from a vehicle that was traveling eastbound on Edinger near Raitt Street. Found near the woman was a young female child about 1-2 years old. Continue reading→