There were 16 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Thursday, Sep. 26, 2013, according to our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading
There were 16 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Thursday, Sep. 26, 2013, according to our friends at CrimeMapping.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading→
I-405 Improvement Project Update
By Orange County Supervisor Pat Bates
Project development and environmental documentation are underway for improvements to the Interstate 405, between State Route 55 and Interstate 605. On October 22, 2012, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Board of Directors considered three different build alternatives and selected Alternative 1, which adds one general purpose lane in each direction, as the Locally Preferred Alternative.
Alternative 2 would add two general purpose lanes in each direction but would have a $100 million funding shortfall; and Alternative 3 would add one general purpose lane in each direction, as well as a toll lane in each direction, which would be added to the existing HOV lane to create a two-lane High-Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lane facility (similar to the 91 Express Lanes). The approximate $700 million shortfall for Alterative 3 would be funded through toll revenue bonds. Continue reading→
Detectives link suspect to second Santa Ana Robbery
Location 1: 2860 S. Bristol # E, SUBWAY
Weapon: Black, semi-automatic handgun
Suspect: Male, White, 30-35, blond hair, 6’00-6’03, 150-180 lbs., wearing a black, blue, green checkered long sleeved shirt, dark pants and a black baseball cap with an unknown design. Continue reading→
Santa Ana resident honored for caring beyond her job description
Santa Ana, Calif. – Sept. 27, 2013 – To Teresa Valdez, caring for others and bringing happiness into their lives is not simply her job; it’s her lifestyle. The Santa Ana-based mother of two boys is the customer service director at Country Villa Plaza Healthcare Center, a skilled nursing and rehabilitation center offering a range of services to local residents. She spends her spare time serving her community and bringing an irrepressible joy to everyone she encounters. Continue reading→
Orange County District Attorney Press Release
For Immediate Release, Case # 11NF3109: September 27, 2013
FULLERTON – A father caught on a hidden video camera was sentenced today to 13 years to life in state prison for attempting to murder his 2-month-old son by swinging him by the neck with a noose-like blanket and repeatedly punching, strangling, and shaking the baby. Joshua Allen Robey, 26, Costa Mesa, was found guilty by a jury Aug. 19, 2013, of one felony count each of attempted murder with premeditation and deliberation, torture, and child abuse with a sentencing enhancement for causing great bodily injury to a child under 5 years old. Continue reading→
IRVINE, CA, SEPTEMBER 25, 2013 – GUARDaHEART, a non-profit organization dedicated to fighting heart disease through awareness and prevention, announced that it will host a special event on September 28th in recognition of The World Heart Federation’s World Heart Day.
The World Heart Day mission is to stress the importance of heart disease prevention, from childhood through adulthood. Heart disease remains the #1 killer in many countries, including the U.S., yet it is well known 80 percent of premature deaths from heart disease can be avoided with early detection and lifestyle modifications.The black tie James Bond-themed event on September 28th is focused on “Targeting Heart Disease” and will highlight which actions can be taken to reduce the risk of heart disease with a core message: “LEARN. DETECT. PREVENT.” Continue reading→
Santa Ana Unified School District
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2013
Contact: Deidra Powell, Chief Communications Officer, (714) 558-5555 Office, (714) 673-4995 Mobile
Media Advisory: Fitness and Safety Promoted at Walk-to-School Day – October 2, 2013, Sepulveda Elementary School
Event: Join the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) and its Healthy Eating Active Communities partners Orange County Health Care Agency along with the Santa Ana School Police and Santa Ana Police Department as they participate in the annual International Walk to School Day. Educators, parents, students, and community members will take part in this global event to bring awareness to the importance of practicing safe walking, biking, and traffic skills. In addition, participants will review ways to maintain secure routes before, during and after school hours throughout the city of Santa Ana, while promoting physical activity.
Who: Continue reading→
Connect to Council is inviting the residents living within the South Coast Metro Neighborhoods of Santa Ana to a joint meeting. on Oct. 2, 2013, at 7 pm, at the Segerstrom High School Auditorium, located at 2301 W MacArthur Blvd., in Santa Ana.
This meeting will include residents from the nine neighborhoods in the South Coast Metro area that includes Morning Sunwood, Thornton Park, Sandpointe, Sunwood Central, Metro Classic, Rosewood Baker, South Coast, Republic Homes and Summerfield Homes. This is the first annual meeting for the Alliance of South Coast Area Neighborhoods.
Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides, who was badly defeated when he ran for Mayor of Santa Ana last year, will be the guest speaker. He represents some of these neighborhoods. Others are represented by Councilmen Vince Sarmiento and Sal Tinajero.
The topics include: Continue reading→
The Riverview Neighborhood Association is hosting a Haunted Maze at the Izaak Walton Cabin located at 1714 West Santa Clara, on Saturday, October 19th.
State Senator Lou Correa is hosting a Senior Scam Stopper Seminar on Friday, September 27, 2013, from 9a.m. – 12 p.m., at the Santa Ana Senior Center located at 424 W. 3rd St., in Santa Ana.
The Senior Lecture Series are presentations developed to assist adults (55+). Each presentation will provide participants with useful information and modern solutions to enrich daily living. Continue reading→
WHEN: Tuesday, October 1st, at 9AM Continue reading→
(Santa Ana, CA) – In response to federal changes in the veterans benefit program known as the Post-9/11 Bill and the Montgomery G.I. Bill, Senator Lou Correa, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and the Veterans Upward Bound Program at Santa Ana College are collaborating to hold a:
G.I. Bill Forum on September 27th, 2013, from 4 to 6 pm
Santa Ana College’s Cesar Chavez Building (A-210)
Located at 1530 W. 17th St., Santa Ana, CA 92706 Continue reading→
Assemblymember Tom Daly and Senator Lou Correa are hosting an ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) Town Hall meeting on Friday, October 4, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., at the Santa Ana Southwest Senior Center, at 2201 W McFadden Avenue, in Santa Ana.
Pre-existing conditions? Pay too much for health care? Own a small business or self-employed? Starting October 1st, you may be eligible to enroll in MediCal or a more affordable plan under the new Covered California state health exchange, according to an email sent out by Daly. Continue reading→
Contact: Reginald Durant, Director of Restoration, Back to Natives Restoration, (949) 509-4787
SANTA ANA, Calif., September 23, 2013 – Back to Natives Restoration, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit public charity and community volunteers will restore habitat at Santiago Creek Nature Reserve in celebration of National Public Lands Day on Saturday, September 28 from 9AM to 12PM. Volunteers will remove non-native invasive weeds from around Santiago Creek. Continue reading→
Jose Ortiz & Ryan Irwin Tischer released from OC Jail 09-25-2013 around 7:20pm befriended one another … they stole a 1994 Ford van together in the 1000 block of W. 2nd street… they return back to the area between the OC Sheriffs dept and SAPD in the stolen van where they enter the public parking structure and break into a SAPD jailer’s vehicle … they stole items from his vehicle. Meanwhile, at approximately 0010 this morning 9-26-2013 an off duty SAPD officer (in plain clothes) walks towards the parking structure from the police department while talking on his phone to police department communications. Continue reading→