The Santa Ana City Council’s incredibly ridiculous decision to make their new City Manager, David Cavazos, a multi-millionaire (when you add in his six figure pension from the City of Phoenix) has backfired in a big way – exploding on the airwaves of our local radio and TV stations. Arizona City Council candidate Keogh Parks piled on too, at a City Council candidates’ forum, according to KJZZ News.
Author Archives: Art Pedroza
19 crimes reported in Santa Ana on 8/7, including four Vehicle Thefts
There were 19 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Wednesday, August 7, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping. four Vehicle Thefts.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading
City of Santa Ana touts their Building Codes
City of Santa Ana, Downtown Orange County
Community Alert: City’s Building Code Effectiveness Promotes Safety, Saves Money
SANTA ANA, CA (August 8, 2013) – The Insurance Services Office (ISO), a leading advisor to property and casualty insurance companies, in its latest review gave the City’s building code program high marks for adopting and implementing state-of-the-art building codes to protect the safety of people who visit, work or live in Santa Ana. Continue reading
O.C. Crime Lab Press Conference and Media Tour set for 8/14
For Immediate Release: August 8, 2013
Orange County Crime Lab Press Conference and Media Tour
WHAT: In celebration of National Forensic Science Week, the Orange County Crime Lab (OCCL) is opening its doors to the media. Established in 1948, the OCCL is among the 25 largest crime labs in the nation. It is highly-regarded in the forensic community with state-of-the-art technology. With 135 staff members, the lab processing approximately 50,000 items of evidence each year. Continue reading
Santa Ana public Strategic Planning Forum set for August 10
City of Santa Ana, Downtown Orange County
Creating Our Future
SANTA ANA, CA (July 26, 2013) – The City of Santa Ana invites community members to an upcoming STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMUNITY FORUM.
Saturday, August 10, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Southwest Senior Center, located at 2201 W. McFadden Avenue
in Santa Ana. Continue reading
Why did the City Council agree to make the new City Manager a millionaire?
It is very hard to understand why the Santa Ana City Council would offer a contract to our new City Manager, David Cavazos, that will essentially make him a millionaire. What were they thinking?
Consider that in Santa Ana the per capita income, was $15,243 in 2010 and while it is projected to increase to $16,383 by 2015, according to the City of Santa Ana, the per capita income in California, is $29,634 and the per capita income in Orange County is $34,416, according to the U.S. Census. Continue reading
New Santa Ana City Manager is set to be a multi-millionaire
New Santa Ana City Manager Will Get Big Salary and Pension
In addition to more than $550,000 in compensation in the coming year from Santa Ana, new City Manager David Cavazos is also set to begin collecting a six-figure annual pension from Phoenix, according to a report in the Arizona Republic newspaper.
The 53-year-old Cavazos worked at Phoenix City Hall for 26 years and was city manager for the last four, which puts him in line for an annual pension of at least $130,000, which means that his income in the coming year will at minimum be close to $700,000 and perhaps significantly higher. Continue reading
The OC Labor Fed will host a Town Hall for Immigration Reform on 8/12
The Orange County Labor Federation is hosting a Town Hall for Immigration Reform on August 12, 2013, at the West Coast Christian Tabernacle, located at 309 N. Main St., on the Second Floor, in Santa Ana, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
They will untangle what the current bill means for our communities. They will discuss reform that includes a pathway to citizenship and keeps families together.
Invited guests include the following Members of Congress: Continue reading
US Dept. of Ed sanctions against 42 SAUSD low performing schools lifted
The U.S. Department of Education has suspended sanctions against 42 academically struggling Santa Ana Unified schools, after approving an unprecedented waiver of No Child Left Behind requirements for eight California school districts on Tuesday, according to the O.C. Register.
School districts in San Francisco, Oakland and six other California cities were granted the same reprieve. The waiver, granted by the Obama administration, means the districts will no longer be required to label low-performing schools as failures and require that they make staffing or other changes in hopes of boosting test scores, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Continue reading
Arson and DUIs among 25 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Tuesday, 8/6
There were 25 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Tuesday, August 6, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping. These crimes included two Drunk Drivers, an Arson and a Grand Theft.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading
OC Occupy to host a General Assembly on Friday night in Santa Ana
Occupy Orange County is hosting a Friday General Assembly in Santa Ana on August 9, 2013, at 7:30 pm. Click here to RSVP on Facebook.
They will be meeting on the grass under the Fighter Jet display. Continue reading
OC Health Care Agency reports the first 2013 case of Human West Nile Virus
Orange County Health Care Agency, Press Release
(Santa Ana) – A Cypress female in her sixties has tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV) infection, becoming the County’s first human WNV infection in 2013. This is the 15th human case of WNV reported in California. The woman was admitted to the hospital in July with symptoms of West Nile Virus, and is now at home recovering.
In 2012, there were 48 reported human infections of West Nile Virus and two WNV related deaths reported in Orange County. Continue reading
7 acts of domestic violence among 20 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Monday
There were 20 crimes reported in Santa Ana on Monday, August 5, 2013, by our friends at CrimeMapping. These included seven acts of Domestic Violence.
Here is our latest Daily Santa Ana Crime Report: Continue reading
SAPD to host National Night Out at Rosita Park on August 6
SAPD Advisory: Police Department “NATIONAL NIGHT OUT” Tuesday, August 6, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 pm Rosita Park – 706 N Newhope (Newhope/Hazard),
Santa Ana Police Department Presents: NATIONAL NIGHT OUT
National Night Out is an event designed to heighten crime and drug prevention and awareness. It is a national event focusing on neighborhood spirit and police/community partnerships with an emphasis: “America’s Night Out Against Crime”
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Corinthian Colleges donates $32K to the Project Hope Alliance

Pictured: Left, Anna Marie Dunlap, Corinthian Colleges senior vice president, corporate communications; center, Jennifer Friend, executive director Project Hope Alliance; Right, Krissy Humenesky, Corinthian Colleges public relations manager.
Project Hope Alliance, an organization that assists homeless and at-risk families in Orange County, received a $32,000 donation from Santa Ana-based Corinthian Colleges, the company announced today. The proceeds were raised during Corinthian’s fourth annual silent auction. Continue reading