Six people were arrested after a large fight broke out in Santa Ana early Sunday morning as bars were closing, with more than 200 people spilling into the streets, according to KTLA.
Six people were arrested, one of them after striking a police horse named Chex, who was punched or slapped but was unfazed. The horse continued to do his job, according to the O.C. Register.

Another SAPD police horse named Willa was also assaulted, according to KTLA.
This latest DTSA embarrassment began at around 2 a.m. when a large fight broke out and then quickly grew.

The SAPD’s mounted police unit, which often patrols DTSA, called for backup when they came across the scrum.
Even when additional police showed up, the crowd did not immediately disperse.
The SAPD does not know what started the fight or the ensuing near-riot. Somehow no injuries were reported.
Five suspects were arrested on charges of public drunkenness, resisting arrest and committing an unlawful act against a police animal. None of the suspects were identified by the SAPD.
While the SAPD referred to the incident as a fluke, as such large fights have not been common in DTSA, the reality is that this is just the latest in a long series of awful crimes that have happened since DTSA was gentrified.
The gentrifiers cleared the Mexican bars out of Downtown Santa Ana and replaced them with hipster bars. But DTSA has still been a train wreck over the past few years with multiple horrible murders, including a young Vietnamese American woman who was literally stomped to death by two local Latinas, a Korean man from Irvine who was robbed and shot in a DTSA parking structure and a woman who was raped in a bar’s stairwell.
Compare this mess to what happened in Downtown Brea when it was redeveloped – that area has family establishments including not one but two first-run movie theaters and a great variety of family restaurants. What you won’t find in Downtown Brea is a ton of bars.
Is DTSA better off now? Is it?