Proof will be hosting a BYOV (bring-your-own-vinyl) night on Wednesday the 28th with residents Polyester and Master Droog!
We want to encourge people to bring in their own music to listen to and those that do will get a drink ticket that is good for $5 off their next drink!
Plus, I’m curious as to what music you guys have to offer! MAXIMUM LIMIT IS TWO VINYL A PERSON.
If you have more than one song on a vinyl, that’s okay! We will keep post it’s on your records with your name and the song numbers and throw it into the mix!
And if you try to bring me a shitty record for a cheap drink, we will call you out and I’ll remember you. I know when someone’s pulling my leg.
Anything goes, may it be hip hop, rock n roll, new wave, brit-pop, motown, what have you!
Come on out and have a good time! Never a cover. 21+. 9:30pm-2am.
Proof is located at 215 N. Broadway in Santa Ana.