UPDATE: My son reports that many of the fifth graders in the classroom that included the pellet gun shooter knew the attack was coming – including the victim – but no one knew who the target was, and none of the students reported this to their teacher…
A sad story is developing at John Muir Fundamental Elementary School – one of the top schools in the Santa Ana Unified School District.
Apparently a fifth grader brought a pellet gun to school and waited for his victim to come his way. The shooter is now suspended, for five days, while the Santa Ana School Police investigate the matter to determine what happened and if “criminal intent can be alleged and/or proven or whether this matter will be resolved administratively by the on site Administration along with concurrence by our Student Support Services division to address the behavior of the student(s) involved,” according to the SAUSD School Police Chief, David Valentin, who responded tonight to my queries, via email. Continue reading