DATES AND TIME: FEB. 25 AND 26. 2011 @ 2:00PM-6:00PM.
Location: 512 South Brookhurst St. Anaheim, CA 92804–LITTLE ARABIA.
The Arab World Newspaper invites you to show your support for the Lybian people who are facing the tyranny of the Lybian dictator Muammar Al-Gaddafi!
In Libya more than 800 have been shot dead in the protests against Gaddafi’s 42 years dictatorial regime. They have been using live ammunition, machine gus and last night security forces started using anti aircraft guns. Also, Jet fighters are flying all over Libya and tanks are moving down every street! they even brought snipers and foreign mercenaries to hurt people! internet is down & no foreign media allowed in. It’s a GENOCIDE!
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