SANTA ANA, CA – On May 9, 2019, a Superior Court judge granted the City’s application for an Inspection and Abatement Warrant, which allows City staff to legally enter Union Pacific property and abate public nuisance or dangerous conditions, according to the City of Santa Ana.
On May 22, 2019 at approximately 8:00AM, over 50 City of Santa Ana staff (Code Enforcement, Police Department, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, and Community Development) as well as private contractors, began a large scale service of the inspection and abatement warrant at five locations within the city.
The locations impacted were:
• 1200-1300 E. Edinger
• 1716 S. Santa Fe
• 2500 S. Main/Goetz
• 1000-1100 E. Chestnut/Santa Fe
• 1200-1300 E. Warner
The warrant authorized City staff to enter the private property of Union Pacific Railroad, to perform inspections and abate any dangerous conditions. For example, at the 1200-1300 E. Edinger location (3 blocks south along the railroad right of way), staff discovered over 60 encampments/shanty’s occupied by 16 individuals. Trash and debris was strewn around the area. Staff determined it was imperative, for public health and safety, to immediately abate the dangerous condition. Public works crews and private contractors began cleanup efforts.
Police Officers and representatives of the Orange County Health Care Agency provided outreach to all 16 contacted individuals experiencing homelessness. None accepted services. One (1) individual was arrested for narcotics violations.
This abatement effort comes after months of repeated attempts to ensure that Union Pacific properly addresses their railroad right-of-ways in our City and hold them accountable for their property much like we do with any other property owner. Based on State law and the Santa Ana Municipal Code, the City will be billing Union Pacific for the recovery of the city’s costs required for abatement of these areas. These areas were chosen due to the high number of violations that were visible from the public right-of-way. This is part of the City’s ongoing efforts to address homelessness and the quality of life of all residents.
More information about the totality of the operation will be forthcoming at operation conclusion.
About City of Santa Ana
Santa Ana is downtown for the world famous Orange County, California. As the County Seat, home to a vibrant evening scene and one of the most diverse communities in California, Santa Ana is gaining national attention for its efforts to innovate and address a changing County. Over 1,200 City employees work hard every day to deliver efficient public services in partnership with our community to ensure public safety, a prosperous economic environment, opportunities for our youth, and a high quality of life for residents. Learn more at http://www.santa-ana.org.