Join Café Calacas as they host Rosario Chavarria Peña and author Susan V. Cashion as they sign and read from: “No Boots, A Personal Remembrance,” on Saturday, September 22nd 6:00 PM, at 324 W. Fourth St., in Santa Ana. Call 714.662.2002 if you have any questions. Continue reading
Category Archives: Santa Ana
Panel, Gallery Talk at the Grand Central Art Center on 10/6
Panel, Gallery Talk, First Saturday Art Walk – Oct. 6 @ Grand Central Art Center
Tony de los Reyes – Current GCACExhibiting Artist, “Border Theory”
Deb Klowden Mann – Owner of Gallery/KM in Santa Monica
Sara Dehghan – Current CSUF MFA Painting
Conversations with Masters are a series of panel discussion that will take place at GCAC. Placing current CSUF MFA students working on degrees in specific medium, in conversation with individuals currently successful in that medium, in conversation with individuals who play a role in decision-making within that field. Continue reading
The new Little Sparrow cafe wants to be a bar, but needs a permit
Naseem Aflakian and Bruce Marsh of Santa Ana’s exclusive Floral Park neighborhood are looking to open an American Bistro called the “Little Sparrow,” that will “serve great bakery items for breakfast, crafted sandwiches for lunch, and candlelight dinners along with cocktails,” according to the Eat In OC Blog.
Aflakian and Marsh have raised over $25,000 for this venture via something called Kickstart, which appears to be an online funding mechanism. You can click here to see who has invested in their restaurant. Continue reading
The O.C. Lincoln Club rejects most of the Santa Ana Republican candidates
The Orange County Lincoln Club PAC has endorsed Tea Party Republican Charles Hart for the Santa Ana City Council, even though he is a government worker, but ignored small businessman George Collins, the OC GOP-endorsed candidate for Santa Ana Mayor, and Lupe Moreno, the Minuteman who is also running for Santa Ana Mayor.
They also inexplicably blew off newly minted Republican Karina Onofre, who is running for Ward 5 against the DPOC-endorsed Roman Reyna, but they did endorse Cecilia Iglesias for the SAUSD School Board. Continue reading
Orange Park Acre Republicans to host an Amezcua fundraiser on 9/22
Failed Santa Ana mayoral candidate Al Amezcua’s daughter, Valerie Amezcua, a Democratic Party candidate for the SAUSD School Board, is finally going to have a fundraiser, at the home of Republicans Dr. Arturo & Raquel Lomeli on Saturday, September 22, 2012, at 20208 E. Rogers Drive, in Orange Park Acres, from 4:00 – 6:00 pm.
Valerie ran previously for the SAUSD School Board in 2006, and lost to Roman Reyna, who she is now supporting for the Santa Ana City Council.
The event will be catered by Casa 7 Mares. Just to be safe, I looked up their record of health violations on the website of the Orange County Health Agency: Continue reading
Athens street sweeping services scheduled to begin in Santa Ana on 10/1
SANTA ANA, CA (September 17, 2012) – On July 17, 2012, the Santa Ana City Council approved a contract with Athens Services to provide citywide street sweeping services to Santa Ana. Athens has been in the sweeping business for over 25 years and has a reputation of providing quality sweeping and customer service.
Starting on October 1, 2012, City residents and businesses can expect enhanced sweeping quality and improved sweeping consistency, both the result of new street sweepers that Athens Services will deploy. Residential routes will continue to be swept on their regular days and within the posted street sweeping times; however, the actual time your street is swept may vary from the City’s previous street sweeping operation. Continue reading
Free flu shots on Oct. 19, at various Orange County cities
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the County of Orange are sponsoring free flu shots in Orange County, in the cities of Anaheim, Laguna Niguel, Placentia, Stanton and Westminster on October 19th from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm.
For more information, click here.
The locations are listed below: Continue reading
Benavides finally holding a fundraiser for his mayoral campaign
Santa Ana Council Member David Benavides is finally holding a fundraiser for his fading Mayoral campaign, on Thursday, September 20, 2012, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm, at Chapter One Restaurant, located at 227 N. Broadway, in Downtown Santa Ana.
The event’s host committee includes Council Members Sal Tinajero, Michele Martinez and Vince Sarmiento. No other politicians or community leaders were referenced on the email blast sent out by the Benavides campaign. Continue reading
Politicians, ninjas and a bear show up at the 2012 Fiestas Patrias parade
The Santa Ana 2012 Fiestas Patrias parade ran for about an hour and a half today, starting at 4 pm. I got there a few minutes late and missed Mayor Miguel Pulido, who was apparently riding in a Wells Fargo stagecoach, but I caught everyone else.
Above you wil find a slideshow of the politicians and the floats, and everything else. The parade featured men on horseback, someone in a bear costume, native dancers, and even a couple of ninjas.
Here are some of the high, or low lights to look for: Continue reading
Sarmiento and Benavides squirm as Pulido shines at a memorable El Grito
Until last night I had never attended the “El Grito” event at Santa Ana’s annual Fiestas Patrias. Who knew I was missing out on an unbelievable spectacle?
Thousands of Mexican Americans filled Santa Ana’s Fourth Street, facing a huge stage at the end of the street, near the Northgate Market. A moderator introduced our city’s leaders at 8 pm, as Mayor Miguel Pulido and his family took the stage, along with Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez and traitorous Council Members Vince Sarmiento and David Benavides. The latter is running against Pulido in November and Sarmiento is supporting him. Continue reading
Sarmiento appears to regret backing Benavides, as he runs for re-election
I am hearing that Santa Ana Council Member Vince Sarmiento appears to be having buyer’s regret when it comes to upstart Santa Ana mayoral candidate David Benavides. Apparently Sarmiento has told others that while he has endorsed Benavides he is not actively campaigning for him. But the damage is done – endorsing the clueless, bumbling Benavides is simply inexcusable.
Sarmiento is running for re-election this year, in Santa Ana’s Ward 1, against Estela Amezcua, a Santa Ana educator. She is not related to Al Amezcua, the failed Santa Ana mayoral candidat who, like Sarmiento, is also backing Benavides. Continue reading
High Orange County temperatures bring risk of heat-related illnesses
For Immediate Release: September 15, 2012
Contact : Deanne Thompson, (714) 834 – 2178
High Temperatures Bring Risk of Heat-Related Illnesses
(Santa Ana) – Temperatures in many inland Orange County communities are expected to reach high temperatures above 105°F today, increasing the risk of heat related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke for those who are more sensitive to the heat. Continue reading
Santa Ana City Council candidate Brett Franklin polling ahead in Ward 3
The inside baseball set has assumed that Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Eric Alderete is going to win in Ward 3, in November’s election. However an unpublished poll shows former Santa Ana City Councilman Brett Franklin in the lead. How could this be?
Well, consider that there is no incumbent, as the current Council Member, the disgraced Carlos Bustamante, is not running for re-election. Franklin was the previous Council Member and as such he is the defacto incumbent. He has name I.D. and Alderete is seriously lacking in that area. And Franklin was born and raised here in Santa Ana, while Alderete was born and raised in East Los Angles, and he has been living here perhaps six years at most. Continue reading
Santa Ana Fiestas Patrias live music schedule
In case you are wondering, here is the list of musical entertainers set to perform at the Fiestas Patrias in Downtown Santa Ana this weekend, on Sep. 15 and 16. Go on the MX Live Facebook page to find out about any changes in the musical lineup:
11:50 –Estudiantina del Sol
12:50 — Pilares de Mexico
1:50 — Los Kinkys Continue reading
Mayor Pulido made them do it!
One of the first things that Santa Ana mayoral candidate David Benavides said at this week’s candidate forum was “I have a question for you. Are you okay with the status quo?,” according to the O.C. Register.
That is laughable! Benavides was groomed for office by the man he is now trying to take down, Mayor Miguel Pulido. And he has spent the last six years voting lockstep with him on just about everything.
Consider what Benavides did the last time term limits came up. We didn’t get mayoral term limits in that instance, instead we got Measure D – which extended the Council terms by four more years! It was a complete bait and switch.
Now have a look at this Benavides quote, from the same debate: Continue reading