The Republicans still rule in Orange County – except for the City of Santa Ana, where only one Republican sits on our City Council.
The Democrats control the 69th Assembly District, the 34th State Senate District and the 47th Congressional District. All the Republicans have is Supervisor Janet Nguyen. She might be able to redistrict her way to victory in 2012 – or she might not.
Given that background it is very surprising that two Republicans have started the so-called “Santa Ana Coalition for Better Government,” which is really a state registered Political Action Committee. Why should Democrats in Santa Ana give them the time of day?
I spoke to the publicist for this coalition a few month ago. She said they had others on their Board, besides the two Republicans – Art Lomeli and John Acosta – but so far they have not posted any other names on their website.
To make matters worse, Lomeli and Acosta don’t even live in Santa Ana! Does anyone on their board live in Santa Ana? Who knows – they won’t post their names!
What exactly do these people advocate? Again, who knows? Their website does not cite any original ideas for change – just a laundry list of empty complaints.
You have to wonder if the OC GOP is using this sad bunch to try to regain territory in Santa Ana. Sorry – that won’t work.
It certainly did not work last year when several of the most bitter Republicans in town lined up behind Amezcua. He still got blown out of the water by Mayor Miguel Pulido.
Too bad these people are so set on complaining instead of trying to foster real change in Santa Ana. In the end their effort will amount to nothing – no one at City Hall will give these people any credence. And in 2012, their favored son, Alfredo Amezcua, is going to lose again to Pulido. The reality is that Pulido won’t stop being Mayor until he decides to leave.
Amezcua blew a quarter million last year in his failed attempt to beat Pulido. There is no telling how much more money will be wasted by his “Coalition of Republicans who don’t live in Santa Ana.”