One thing Latino and Vietnamese residents can agree on – Pho is delicious!
“Lan Quoc Nguyen, the Vice-President of Board of the Garden Grove Unified School District, in an interview published on a Vietnamese newspaper proclaimed that other ethnicities are wary of classes with a lot of Asian students in it because they can’t compete,” according to the Bolsavik blog.
Wow! Where do we even begin with that sentiment?
My son Joey goes to Godinez High School, in Santa Ana, where he is an honors student. He is taking Advanced Placement classes that will earn him college credit. I have met many of his peers. Most of them are Latinos. But my son’s girlfriend is Vietnamese – and yes she is brilliant. She speaks three languages and teaches piano lessons.
As for my son, he plays the guitar and pitches for his high school baseball team. And no, he is not wary of Asians. Nor have I seen any animosity between the different races in his AP classes. Continue reading