The Boca De Oro (“Mouth of Gold”) Festival of Literary Arts & Culture returns for its fourth year with free writing and arts and crafts workshops, panel discussions, author talks and performances in Downtown Santa Ana this weekend.
Approximately 2,500 Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) students, families, teachers, administrators, staff, and volunteers will participate in the regional destination event. Approximately 7,000 people will attend.

This year’s expanded programming at various downtown sites will include a strong lineup of student performances across all disciplines to showcase the many arts-related programs offered throughout SAUSD.
These include:
- Performances by students in dance, theatre, speech, and music
- Presentations of SAUSD student films
- Performances by Speech & Debate students
- Performances by SAUSD Litcon winners
SAUSD will also be involved in a range of activities during the event.
These include:
- Art-making activities led by SAUSD students and arts and culture institutions
- A Scavenger Hunt around the 9 muses tied into SAUSD Youth Art Leaders
- Oasis Children’s Fair with SAUSD elementary schools at Birch Park
When: Saturday, March 7, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Where: Locations throughout Downtown Santa Ana
Information: www.BocadeOro.org and SAUSD Arts app