Irv and Ryan Chase
A few out of town bloggers appear to be having a fit because they weren’t invited to Thursday’s Santa Ana Latino Jewish Forum. It is sad that some folks have to attack everything – even something positive, like this community event.
I was able to get a hold of a partial list of those who were invited to this event, which is also being broadcast live online for those who could not attend. Irv and Ryan Chase were invited. I hope they attend. Others who were invited include a Who’s Who of Santa Ana’s community leaders, including:
- Sean Mill – Santa Ana Planning Commissioner
- Art Pedroza – New Santa Ana
- George Collins – Santa Ana Insight blog
- Vicky Baxter – Downtown Inc.
- Irv Chase – Landlord
- Ryan Chase – Landlord
- Albert Castillo – Chicanos Unidos
- Rob Richardson – SAUSD Trustee
- Roman Reyna – SAUSD Trustee
- Mark McLoughlin – RSCCD Trustee
- Amin David – Los Amigos
- Sen. Lou Correa
- Lucy Dunn – OC Business Council
- Armando de la Libertad – Delhi Center
- Ruben Smith – Lawyer
- Connie Hamilton – Connect to Council
- Zeke Hernadez – LULAC
- Ruben Martinez – Bookstore owner
- Raul Luna – Loretta Sanchez office
- Teresa Saldivar – Teresa’s Jewlers
- Bobby McDonald – OC Black Chamber of Commerce
- Erwin Chemirinsky – UCI Law School Dean
- The Sikh Center of Orange County
- Erlinda Martinez – President, Santa Ana College
- Rabbi Arnold Rachlis – University Synagogue Irvine
- Fred Armendariz – Businessman
- The Merage Foundation – a Jewish philanthropic organization
- America Bracho – Latino Health Access
- Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi – Islamic Center of OC
For the record, my invitation was sent to my old email address. I now have it but won’t be able to attend due to a calendar conflict. My friend Sean Mill however will be there and I will be asking him to give me an update about the event, after the fact.
As you can see, those invited reflect the diversity of Santa Ana and Orange County. Of course the out of town Irvine and Long Beach bloggers were NOT invited. Why would Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez want them at this event?
I’m legitimately curious: unless Dean Chemerinsky and Rabbi Rachlis show up, where are the Jews other than the Chases and the Merage Center?
I’d show up if asked, but it would not be to attack Alvarez.
Does she know who you are? You may not be on her radar.
Santa Ana says: “The Community Forum is an invitation only event to facilitate candid dialog among the participants.”
That is BS – the forum is by invitation only in order to silence the true community. They could easily accommodate SA residents by asking for respect for all of the panelists and taking some questions in written form from the community.
Anyone who participates in this sham is complicit in the quashing of the right of free speech for the residents of Santa Ana.
The Usual Suspects don’t behave at our Council meetings. Why would you expect then to start behaving now?
“Anyone who participates in this sham is complicit in the quashing of the right of free speech for the residents of Santa Ana.”
Exactly how is anyone’s free speech being “quashed”? You were given your opportunity to attack Mayor Pro Tem Alvarez and nobody stopped you.
In order to have a productive meeting fit into a four hour window you have to limit the number of people participating. There is a fine cross section of our community attending voicing all types of opinions.
Perhaps you should take a wait and see attitude before condemning the entire event.
“As far as Pedroza’s invitation, that was inadvertent, Gonzalez said. .. Pedroza, as a member of the media, should not have been invited, and the invitation wasn’t re-extended, Gonzalez said.”
LOL! A moot point since I couldn’t be there. I heard that the Irvine blogger showed up and true to form he yelled at our City Manager.
Bone crushing boring. Hope after the lunch break it gets better.
Oh and notice the lack of racial diversity?
Hmmm, I wonder if the council would go to such lengths to have a community form with the Santa Ana Occupy group, to discuss homeless/jobless/forclosure/no small business banking loan situation????? Do we have to be insulted wealthy property owners to get a private “community Forum” and public relations meeting? Or part of the 85%ers? A.K.A. Police and Fire Budget Lobbyists?
Why don’t you discuss those problems amongst yourselves while holding you cardboard signs on Broadway?.
Why do you think you need permission from the Santa Ana city council?
we did not need permission to do what we are doing. but we will kindly ask for permission to do more.
Well it is over, I am looking forward to hearing what Mr Mill thinks about this seminar.
I watch it on my computer and am very glad I did not sit though it.
I don’t get why some PBID’ers were allowed in, some of Santa Ana’s 1 percent’ors bitch about a property tax used to upkeep and protect their property values. I bet those people have no problem raising the rents on their Mexican retailers and office renters every year.
Oh Man,
I guess I might have to actually MOVE to Santa Ana to further involve myself in the cities inner workings.
Eddie West your way off base, in Irvine we have a jew as a councilwoman and she Rocks.
My side kick Chris and I are commited to Santa Ana….as long as we don’t really need to GO there!
Sheesh. You guys and your exclusiveness!
This was a very positive event with a lot of good information and history exchanged. The crowd was quite diverse with several locals Rabbi’s, Catholic Clergy, Islamic leaders and others in attendance.
I think this was a good starting point for dialog amongst the diverse group and hopefully it will lead to better understanding of each other so we can all work together to improve the community.
I had the pleasure of sitting with Santa Ana’s Temple Beth Sholom Rabbi Heidi M. Cohen and Mayor Miguel Pulido. I also enjoyed the conversations I had with many of the other attendees who shared their experiences with myself and others.
So despite what outsiders who were not in attendance have to say about the event it was a success and a starting point. It’s too bad the Chase’s chose to stay away.
As a LATINO – JEW, I am disgusted with the Blog’s interpatation of Jew’s to be Epstien from a cheesy seventies show, owned by his wifes employer!
If this FAT PIG CMILIWINSKI wants to promote diolouge, why the hell is he making jokes about Pork, Shrimp and calling it an “apology tour”.
Is this man pissed off because he wasn’t invited?
He insists that others who WERE invited “would be turned away”.
The liberal OC is niether: Liberal, Jewish, Latino or members of the community.
This guy is offensive and his handlers better get him in check quickly, he is BLOWBACK waiting to happen.
FWIW- DROR in hebrew means: LIBERTY.
DAN is the one who judges.
Well, Art, I’m Jewish. My question is: how many other people there could say that?
“It’s too bad the Chase’s chose to stay away.”
Apparently the Chase’s chose to not validate Claudia’s phony apologies and dog and pony show.
“Jew-Baiting the last great move of the Democratic Party” – Walter Mondale
Alvarez never invites me to talk about Jews, I wonder why?
“Well, Art, I’m Jewish”…… Hmmmm
Rely Encino?
“I’d show up if asked, but it would not be to attack Alvarez”……. Hmmmmm
Why is Esq. Encino lying?
“This was a very positive event with a lot of good information and history exchanged’…… Hmmmmm
Did they shared with you some matzo?
I believe that all this pro-Zionist euphoria will end when they will raise rent to Mexicans and evict some.
“Well, Art, I’m Jewish. My question is: how many other people there could say that?”
Mr. Diamond,
You can rest easy as the Jewish community had a large presence at the event today. I don’t have an exact number but there was a number of local Rabbi’s, leaders of a number of Jewish advocacy groups and Jewish residents from the community.