Omar Rojas, 28, a high school volleyball coach and security guard for the Santa Ana Unified School District’s police force pleaded guilty to having sex with four girls and has been sentenced to only a year in jail, according to the O.C. Register.
Rojas, a Santa Ana resident, pleaded guilty back on Friday, June 7, to having sex with four teen girls. Apparently he worked out a plea deal with the O.C.D.A. that included waiving him a year’s worth of credit behind bars since he was arrested last August.
Rojas was originally arrested for having sex with three teenage girls on his volleyball team then a fourth victim was added to charges later.
Rojas will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
The victims included two 17-year-old girls and a 15-year-old girl who were on the volleyball team at Century High School in 2015, according to the SAPD.
Rojas was so brazen that he would have the victims excused from class so he could meet up with them to have sex on campus during school.
At the time of the crimes Rojas was not a school safety officer.
Rojas worked as a District Safety Officer at Sierra Preparatory Academy, according to the Santa Ana Unified School District.
Only 1(one) Year? Justice is a joke in this one. But then again, justice is a joke in way to many case’s.
ONLY one year? This guy’s life is ruined (the real punishment being the sex offender registration here) and I get to pay for his incarceration…. for what??? Sure, inappropriate but these children were old enough to know that this is illegal. If they had cut class to smoke behind the bleachers, they would be suspended, no questions asked. If they had cut class to participate in tagging, they would be charged, no questions asked. If they had cut class to drive (because we let children drive, what a joke) the getaway car for a gang shooting they would be charged as adults.
Had this guy beaten half to death one of these “children” he would not register as anything for one second.
Again – this is inappropriate but lets get a grip. If this is such a terrible crime, let’s hold the “children” responsible for participating in criminal activity. Like we would in any other circumstance.
The guy had to know what he was doing was wrong. Blaming the victims is a bad look.
What this guy did was abusive and stupid.
Stupid – no doubt. It is the height of stupidity to be doing something in a society that considers an age appropriate relationship with a willing participant – though it is entirely inappropriate – a worse crime than murdering or violently assaulting someone.
Inappropriate – absolutely. Illegal – certainly. Abusive – I doubt it – teenagers can say “no”, it is not that hard. Victim – because the law says so – for their own willing actions. Bizarre.
We hold 15 and certainly 17 year olds, heck, even 10 year olds, responsible for every single one of their decisions – good and bad. Why is it that in this circumstance, and this circumstance, we give them and automatic pass and treat them like toddlers?
So, Mr. Publisher / Editor…. what would YOU consider a sentence that would cause you to omit the word “only” in your headline? Asking you as a journalist….