Santa Ana Unified School District today announced that all school sites will be participating in either Provision 2 or the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs during the 2015-16 school year.
Under these provisions, all students will be served lunch and breakfast at no charge at the following sites:
Elementary schools:
- Adams
- Fremont
- Jefferson
- Monroe
- Santiago
- Advanced Learning Academy
- Garfield
- Kennedy
- Monte Vista
- Sepulveda
- Carver
- Greenville
- King
- Muir
- Taft
- Davis
- Harvey
- Lincoln
- Pio Pico
- Thorpe
- Diamond
- Heninger
- Lowell
- Remington
- Walker
- Edison
- Heroes
- Madison
- Romero Cruz
- Washington
- Esqueda
- Hoover
- Martin
- Roosevelt
- Wilson
- Franklin
- Jackson
- Mitchell
Intermediate Schools:
- Carr
- Macarthur
- Mendez
- Spurgeon
- Willard
- Lathtop
- Mcfadden
- Sierra
- Villa
High Schools:
- Century
- Community Day
- Griset
- Saddleback
- Segerstrom
- Chavez
- Godinez
- Middle College
- Santa Ana
- Valley