Construction for this project has just started and is expected to finish in Summer 2021. The purpose of this project is to improve safety for the Eastbound SR-22 freeway Interchange at SR-57, and the I-5 freeways.
The Bristol Street On-ramp will continue to provide access to SR-57 Northbound, I-5 Northbound, and I-5 Southbound. Only the access to the SR-22 Eastbound will be removed. Motorists will still be able to access Eastbound SR-22 from the City Drive or Main Street/Town and Country On-ramps.

There are no detours through Santa Ana neighborhoods! (See above detour map.)
Most work and detours will occur at night. Detour signs will be placed on affected arterials.
A meeting to provide further information about this project will be held on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
The meeting location is:
Izaak Walton League Cabin
1714 Santa Clara Avenue, Santa Ana, CA. 92706
After Project Completion
The removal of half a mile of the collector-distributor road concrete barrier as well as the extension of the concrete barrier to provide access to the horseshoe connector will have two significant impacts.
- The access to Eastbound SR-22 immediately before the horseshoe connector will be closed.
- The Bristol St. on ramp will only provide access to the horseshoe connector. It will no longer connect to Eastbound SR-22. (Motorists will still be to access Eastbound SR-22 from The City Dr on ramp.)
Its better to close the 22 fwy onramp at bristol ( 22-E )