Last night at about 11:25 p.m. SAPD police officers were in the area of 800 N. Harbor Blvd. when they heard 6-8 gunshots fired immediately east of their location, per SAPD Case Number 16-24695.
The police officers responded to 800 N. Figueroa Street and located 8 .45 caliber casings in the street and on the sidewalk. They also located one live .38 caliber round. One vehicle was struck. No homes or people were struck. There are no suspects or witnesses at this time.

SAPD Police Chief Carlos Rojas
Inexperienced and ineffective SAPD Police Chief Carlos Rojas and overpaid City Manager David Cavazos both say that the SAPD does not track shootings unless someone is killed. How convenient! And our City Council wants a big raise in November, via Measure PP. What do you think? Personally I think we need to fire the lot of them!

Overpaid Santa Ana City Manager David Cavazos
The truth is that Rojas and Cavazos are both lying. They do track and prepare in-house monthly reports. Why do they mislead the public and now say they don’t?
This shooting happened in Santa Ana’s Ward 3, which is represented by Council Member Angie Amezcua, who is retiring from the City Council in November. There are several candidates for Ward 3. One of them, former Santa Ana Councilman and State Assemblyman Jose Solorio, is calling for the SAPD to make their crime logs public. Solorio is endorsed by the Santa Ana Police Officers Association.
First of all, with all the crime in Santa Ana, they need experience – Rojas doesn’t have it – solution – get rid of him! He is useless!!! Cavazos – to highly paid for the shitty job he is doing. Solution – get rid of him too. Maybe new blood, with experience, will be of some help to Santa Ana. Right now, the city is hopeless and it will take YEARS to straighten it out.