Santa Ana Firefighter Scott Townley “created a moving tribute to 9/11 victims for the tenth anniversary of the attack. The memorial includes more than 400 crosses for the police officers and firefighters who died,” according to ABC News.
The Santa Ana Fire Department (SAFD) also held a Remembrance Ceremony, on Sunday, September 11, to pay tribute and honor the 343 Firefighters and 72 Police & Port Authority Officers who lost their lives that tragic day, according to their Facebook page. (See the flier below).
But SAFD Chief Dave Thomas ordered his fires stations NOT to fly the U.S. flag today at half-staff. He said today was only a remembrance, not a memorial, according to one of our readers, who is a City of Santa Ana Youth Commissioner. He said he verified this by talking to SAFD firefighters.
That seems nuts to me. In total 343 NYFD firefighters died at the World Trade Centers on 9/11. How could the SAFD not fly the U.S. flags at half-staff?
According to the Gettysburg Flag Works, President Obama ordered all government agencies to fly the flag at half-staff:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2010, as Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance. I call upon all departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States to display the flag of the United States at half-staff on Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance in honor of the individuals who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.
I guess Chief Thomas didn’t get the memo.
I was riding my bike and it was nice to see so many flags flying. Then I came across the Fire Station by where I live hear on Greenville and Warner. I noticed that the flag was flying at the very top of the flag pole and I was immediately outraged. It was September 11th and this was a government agency without the flag at half mast!
I was so outraged that I went and talked to one of the fire fighters who was getting ready to go out for a run. I brought to his attention that the flag was being flown incorrectly after Obama had given an Order to fly it at half mast. He showed disappointment and proceeded to telling me the Fire Captain had given precise orders NOT…again — NOT to fly the flag at half mast because it wasn’t necessary since September 11th was only a remembrance and not a memorial therefore not worthy of having the flag at half mast (WHAT THE HELL!!!). He further proceeded to telling me that the Captain had given these orders to all the stations and none of the flags in SAnta Ana were at half mast! This is pathetic!
The Firefighter didn’t want to comment about how he felt about this but I could see the disappointment in his eyes and expressions. He then told me he would be on his way since he didn’t want to say anything further because it was a violation of his contract. he shrugged his shoulders, sighed and told me to have a good day!
This is super disrespectful -___- it GREATLY angered me!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Jonathan. You are right – it was bush league. Well, now the story is out…
Corrections to my comment. I accidentally put Captain. It should be Chief! Change all words from Captain to CHIEF. I think his name was Chief Thomas.