Council Members Tinajero, Martinez and Benavides
Apparently efforts are now underway to recall Santa Ana City Council Members Sal Tinajero, David Benavides and Vince Sarmiento. All three of them have opposed hiring more cops and supported our lame former SAPD Police Chief, Carlos Rojas, who did us all a favor by quitting and moving to the Bay area. This means they have been pro-gang City Council Members – which is now what the people of Santa Ana elected them to do.
Tinajero should have been recalled some years ago. If you recall he was a friend and colleague of Nativo Lopez, when they were both on the SAUSD School Board. Lopez got recalled but Tinajero was allowed to stay on the School Board. Now he will finally have to face the music.

Vincent Sarmiento
Tinajero, Benavides and Sarmiento have all been in power in Santa Ana for some ten years and on their watch crime has grown out of control. All of them have tried to coddle and placate the city’s gangbangers and they oppose hiring the type of strong leader that the SAPD needs.
Tinajero, Benavides and Sarmiento have also cost the City of Santa Ana millions of dollars by opposing the use of the Santa Ana jail to house ICE detainees. In so doing they have breached their responsibilities as elected officials.

Councilman David Benavides
Benavides has also been caught red-handed numerous times voting for matters involving contractors who have made significant donations to the organization he works for, Kidworks. That is a massive conflict of interest!
Sarmiento is currently squirming because many residents are finally questioning where exactly he lives. The home he claims as his residence, on 4th St., is often empty at night. It is a felony to vote from a residence you don’t live in. If he gets caught he is in big trouble as he is also a lawyer and breaking laws can lead to disbarment.
All of these lame Council Members are going to have to raise a lot of money to fend off their recalls. I truly doubt they can do that.

Mayor Pro Tem Michele Martinez
As for their ally, Mayor Pro Tem Michele Martinez, she better get with the program. She has never been able to get elected to any other office. She terms out in a couple years and has zero prospects of gainful employment. Siding with the likes of Sarmiento, Tinajero and Benavides could ruin what is left of her political career.
Recall elections are not easy but the forces now seeking to recall Sarmiento, Tinajero and Benavides know what they are doing. Ask Nativo Lopez about that!
These recalls are going nowhere – I don’t see anyone putting in the money it costs to obtain thousands of voter signatures.
Another liberal who cares none about the community. Great job shameless !!
“shameless” is certainly NOT a liberal – just callin’ ’em like I sees ’em.
That is what they said about the Nativo recall…
Is the SA POA going to fund the recall?
I would imagine many organizations and individuals will fund the recall.
If the forces now seeking this recall, really know what their doing, and I hope they do, sounds like this could be a big success. If so, this would be a huge victory for the City and citizens of Santa Ana. But only if they replaced these dead beats with solid people who will work for the people of this City.
really …. ?
We’ll This blog is all in with SAPOA. Mouet, while a great booster of the city, is not qualified to be Acting CM and certainly not permanent CM. Pulido wanted another Ream. We can’t have that
Yes we are all in with the police who are trying to protect our community.
As for Mouet here is his bio – he is indeed very qualified:
Gerardo Mouet began serving as Acting City Manager of Santa Ana, California on December 2016, with over 26 years of experience in various departments. Gerardo began his career in the City’s Personnel Department in 1990. In 2000, he joined the City Manager’s Office with his last position there serving as Assistant to City Manager. In 2004 he was appointed as the Executive Director of Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Agency.
Acting City Manager has been appointed and tasked with the following:
Oversee all departments and administrative tasks necessary for city operations
Maintain city budget
Implement policies adopted by City Council
Research and advise City Council on city matters
Throughout his career, Gerardo has actively participated on non-profit boards such as the Orange County Fair and is a member of the Board of Trustees for the Samueli Academy in Santa Ana. Previous to working for the City of Santa Ana, Gerardo worked at the University of California, Irvine for six years managing outreach and leadership programs for youth.
He has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego. Gerardo lives in Santa Ana with his wife Jenny. They have two children, Monica and Andrew.
Looks like the “Usual Suspects” are trying to gain some relevance again. This move against Sal is being put forth by folks like “Tommy Boy” Gordon, Debbie McEwen, Tom Lutz and Tim Rush. Bigots on parade.
It’s so rich to hear Rush with his criminal record speaking out on crime. Laugh out loud funny.
Yes but don’t forget what Sal did to Paul Walters. Karma is a b*itch!
With simpleton Robert Oliver (representing all the disgruntled white folks) and his side kick (the Invisible Former Council member Amezcua-Oliver), I’m sure Mayor Pulido sleeps well at night knowing the recall has zero chance of success.