City of Santa Ana, Downtown Orange County
SANTA ANA, CA (January 16, 2014) – The Santa Ana Mayor and City Council are embarking on the creation of a comprehensive 5-year strategic plan to guide our city towards the future. This plan has involved numerous community stakeholders and the City invites all to attend an informational meeting to see the 5-year strategic plan draft and to provide comment, before it is presented to the City Council. Comments will be received and incorporated into the final draft, which will later be presented to the entire City Council for adoption.
This meeting will occur on Saturday, February 8, 2014 from 9 am to 12 pm. Please reserve the date and time for this important meeting and check the City’s website for updates on the meeting’s location. In addition, a future press release will be sent out to notify community stakeholders of the meeting location and to announce the release of the 5-year strategic plan draft for all to review prior to the meeting.
For additional information, please call the City Manager’s office at 714-647-5200 or visit: