The early election results are proving that Santa Ana is not a liberal city. Although Democrats make up about 55% of our electorate they don’t get behind overly liberal candidates. Consider what just happened in the November General Election: Continue reading
Tag Archives: bao nguyen
Mayor Pulido is leading in early election results as are Council candidates Solorio and Villegas
The early 2016 General Election results are in and as we predicted Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido is cruising to an easy victory over his ultra-liberal opponent Ben Vazquez. And we are very excited to report that Santa Ana City Councilman and high school dropout Roman Reyna is losing right now to his opponent, Juan Villegas, in Ward 5, by about 1,600 votes. Meanwhile over in Ward 3 Jose Solorio is leading a large pack of candidates with over 44% of the vote and in Ward 1 the incumbent, Vince Sarmiento, is barely edging out his challenger, Jessica Cha, by about 1,300 votes.
The bad news is that Measure PP, which will hand the City Council a 700% pay raise, is easily winning, by a margin of two to one. The good news is that if Reyna loses he won’t be getting this money. Continue reading
Lou Correa is the best choice for Congress for the people of Santa Ana
The battle between Lou Correa and Bao Nguyen, for the congressional seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, is heating up and getting nasty, according to the O.C. Register.
In our opinion the people of the 46th Congressional District will be better served by Correa. In fact we believe he will be a vast improvement over Sanchez. Continue reading
Bao Nguyen calls on Pres. Obama to put a moratorium on deportations
Contact: Ender Ho, (714) 642-2120,
Anaheim, CA – In response to the Supreme Court decision in United States v. Texas the case in which 26 Republican governors are suing to block the deferred action programs, Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen called on President Obama and DHS to put a moratorium on deportations. Mayor Nguyen is running for Congress in California’s 46th district, which is 67% Latino. Mayor Nguyen issued the following statement:
I call on President Obama to use his authority to put an immediate halt on deportations. With so many people in DACA and DAPA, it’s the only responsible course of action. It’s only a temporary measure, so we also need Congress to act on immigration reform, which has been on the backburner for far too long. In Congress, I’ll fight for an immigration system that keeps families together, not tears them apart. Continue reading
The Republican who will make it to the 46th Congressional District’s Primary Election
I had a chance to meet with Irvine Mayor Pro Tem Lynn Schott a couple weeks ago. She is running for the 46th Congressional District, which is being vacated by U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who is running for the U.S. Senate.
Schott, a Republican, grew up in Santa Ana, where her father was a barber with a shop in downtown Santa Ana. Her mom still lives in Santa Ana. And Schott got her education in Santa Ana while also getting her first job, at a travel agency in downtown Santa Ana. Continue reading
Poll shows Dunn in last place with Brandman out of the race for the 46th C.D.
For Immediate Release: December 18, 2015
Contact: Dave Jacobson, (818) 943-2348, Shallman Communications
Correa leads closest Democrat by nearly 30 points
SANTA ANA, CA—Today, the Lou Correa campaign for Congress released a poll memo showing Correa leading his nearest Democratic opponent, Bao Nguyen, by nearly 30 points.
The poll, conducted by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates, is fresh out of the field, and was conducted from December 13th through December 16th. The initial results show Correa with a decisive lead over all other candidates: Continue reading
Loretta Sanchez appears to be backing Bao Nguyen for Congress
U.S. Rep. Linda Chavez endorsed former State Legislator Lou Correa’s congressional campaign back in September but it looks like her sister Loretta has other ideas as she showed up today at a major fundraiser in Hollywood for Garden Grove Mayor Bao Nguyen’s congressional campaign.
Apparently Loretta convinced Nguyen to run – and while she has not come out publicly as his supporter it is pretty obvious that she has chosen a side in this race. Continue reading
Bao Nguyen announces his candidacy for Congress in the 46th C.D.
CONTACT: Soham Pandit, (267) 391-8512,
Bao Nguyen Announces Candidacy for Congress in CA-46
Garden Grove Mayor running to replace Loretta Sanchez
SANTA ANA, CA – Bao Nguyen today announced his candidacy for Congress in California’s 46th district. Bao, whose family emigrated from Vietnam, has devoted his career to the citizens of the district, serving as a teacher, running for school board and most recently, serving as the Mayor of Garden Grove.
“I’m excited to announce that I will be running for Congress in the place I have always called home. I can’t wait to take my passion, and the passions of so many others around me, to bring reform to Washington, D.C,” said Mayor Bao Nguyen on Tuesday.
Born in a Thailand refugee camp, Bao and his family arrived to the United States when he was only three months of age. His parents emigrated to the U.S. to ensure that their children would be provided with the opportunities that they otherwise would not have been given in Vietnam. Continue reading
Leadership training for immigrant candidates set for April 6-7, in Santa Ana
Press Advisory
Contact: Nina Spensley, 917.864.8400,
“Ready to Lead “ Training Prepares Immigrants for Potential Candidacy and Leadership
SANTA ANA, California – The New American Leaders Project (NALP), Engage San Diego, Mobilize the Immigrant Vote, the Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) and the Orange County Labor Federation, in partnership with Wellstone Action will hold its “Ready to Lead” training to prepare first and second generation Americans with immigrant backgrounds for the rigors of running for office this April 6 –7, 2013 in Santa Ana, California. This event marks the first non-partisan program held in Orange County specifically aimed at training immigrant candidates to run for office at the local, state and national level. Continue reading
The Garden Grove Unified School District’s budget is short by $60M

GGUSD Trustee Bao Nguyen
“One meeting after the celebration of selecting a new superintendent, the Garden Grove Unified School District’s Board of Education will face a grim prospect: a potential financial shortfall totaling nearly $60 million,” according to the Garden Grove Journal.
The Garden Grove Journal also reported that “At the last meeting the board voted to choose Gabriela Mafi as the new top educator, replacing Laura Schwalm this summer.” Continue reading
Santa Ana Council members to march with gay activists at the Tet Parade
Update on 2/10/13: None of the Santa Ana City Council Members showed up to the Tet Parade nor did I see any of the gay activists.
The controversy that has brewed all week will continue at the Tet Parade scheduled for this Sunday, February 10, at 9 am, at the intersection of Bolsa and Magnolia.
They gay activists who were told by the parade organizers that they could not participate in the parade sued the organizers but a Judge found against them this week.
In the wake of that court decision a number of local elected officials have declared that they will be boycotting the parade. This is by the way a parade that almost didn’t happen, as the City of Westminster is broke and couldn’t pay for it. Volunteers worked very hard to raise the money to hold the traditional Lunar New Year parade, in Little Saigon. Continue reading
Court stops gay activists from hijacking the Orange County Tet Parade
From the OC Politics Blog
“A coalition of gay and lesbian groups lost its bid in court Thursday to force the Little Saigon Tet Parade organizers to include the group in this Sunday’s event. Orange County Superior Court Judge Geoffrey T. Glass ruled against granting injunctive relief to the Partnership of Viet Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organizations,” according to the O.C. Register.
“For three years, LGBT activists have participated in the colorful gathering in Little Saigon, but this year — with the event shifting from city sponsorship to private hands — they have been rebuffed and quietly told to make a “sacrifice” and stay away, members said,” according to the L.A. Times. Continue reading
GGUSD Trustee Candidate Bao Nguyen kicking off his campaign in Santa Ana on Aug. 7
Bao Quoc Nguyen is kicking off his campaign for the Garden Grove Unified School District’s Board of Education, at the home of Maria Alba, at 4022 West Fay Circle, in Santa Ana, on August 7, from 4 pm to 7 pm. Click here to RSVP on Facebook. Click here to read the event flyer.
Click here to see Nguyen’s campaign Facebook page. You will note that most of his friends appear to be Democrats, and he appears to support the Dream Act, so I don’t think we have to worry about whether he might be affiliated with Republicans such as Van Tran or Janet Nguyen.
Here is Nguyen’s bio, from his website:
Nguyen is a proud product of the Garden Grove Unified School District. He has served as a member of the school site council at Ralston Intermediate while a student. He graduated from Pacifica High School after transferring from Garden Grove High School during his sophomore year. At Pacifica, Bao was named “most spirited” in his graduating class and also in student body leadership. As a high school senior, Bao was selected to represent his congressional district in the Presidential Classroom program in Washington, D.C.
A commitment to public service has been demonstrated throughout Bao’s educational career – from serving pancake breakfast to registering voters at the annual Strawberry Festival. Bao has also volunteered at Saint Columban Church to assist the elderly and immobile with house chores.
While earning his bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of California at Irvine, Bao served in various leadership capacities for the Cross-Cultural Center and for the Political Science Student Association. He also served as the UCI student body representative to the Irvine City Council. Bao was a recipient of the Praxis Scholarship, which sent him to work in Washington, D.C. for the first Presidential Executive Order on Asian Americans since Japanese Internment. Bao is also a recipient of the Brett Baldwin Prize in Poetry, awarded by Poetry MFA and Humanities Associates of UCI’s Department of English and Comparative Literature. He has published poetry and other writings in both English and Vietnamese languages, locally and internationally, including Jossey-Bass’ New Directions for Student Services.
Bao has a master of arts in religious studies from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and holds a California State Certification in Mediation. He has been an invited guest speaker at different colleges and universities, as well as community organizations, including the local chapter of California School Employees Association.
Bao has taught as a substitute teacher in grades K-12, including special education for the Garden Grove Unified School District. In his recent capacity as community organizer, Bao helped Garden Grove United Methodist Church bring a campaign for senior transportation to successful completion in the City of Garden Grove. Bao is trilingual in English, Vietnamese and Spanish.