Sad news to report. Longtime Com Link member and Santa Ana neighborhood activist Rita Corpin, a 72-year-old , was discovered by her gardener around 11 p.m. Tuesday on the porch of her home in the 1400 block of South Rosewood Avenue in Santa Ana, police said, according to CBS News.
Corpin retired in 2010 from decades of teaching world history at La Quinta High School in Westminster, according to the OC Register. Corpin was not hurting for money. She retired with an annual pension of $120K per year, according to an online source.
I spoke to Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Sean Mill about Corpin’s death. Mill recalled that she was actually one of his teachers. In fact he said he got tossed from her class during a vigorous debate about Middle East politics. You can read comments about her from her students here. Continue reading