Lake Forest carpetbaggers Sherry Walker and Adam Nick, aka Shehrzad Rahgozar and Afshin Nikmanesh.
We finally found solid evidence that Sherry Walker, the carpetbagging Republican candidate for the 69th Assembly District, may have lied to the Voter Registrar of Orange County and to the voters. Case number 30-2014-00698760-CU-PT-CJC of the Orange County Superior Court shows that she changed her name, from Shehrzad Rahgozar to Sherry Walker on March 5, 2014. She started the name change process on January 16, 2014.
The address she listed was 25422 Trabuco Road #105-255, in Lake Forest. That happens to be the same address used by Adam Nick and Associates. Nick is her husband – and he is running for the 46th Congressional District as a carpetbagger from Lake Forest. He changed his name too. His real name is Afshin Nikmanesh. Continue reading