News Release
Sports Foundation to Distribute Brand New Running Shoes for Students in the Santa Ana Unified School District as part of the RunStrong program to promote a healthier lifestyle
(March 7, 2016) – When students didn’t have proper shoes to compete in 5k and 10k races, but they would still be just as eager to participate in whatever they could afford, the Kevin Armstrong MD Memorial Sports Foundation knew that they had to find a way to provide running shoes to all the students who participated in their program – RunStrong – a program that instills a love of running in intermediate-age students while promoting living a healthy lifestyle.
“We made a commitment to invest in their success as a runner and to inspire them to continue to run and make fitness a part of their overall healthier lifestyle. The students are excited, appreciative, and overjoyed that we make such an investment in them. Give a kid a new pair of shoes, and they immediately feel more hopeful and optimistic no matter what their environment around them looks like,” said Karen Armstrong, the sister of the late Kevin Armstrong MD, and Vice President of the Foundation. Continue reading