Supervisor Janet Nguyen, who represents the blue First Supervisorial District, walked out today when supporters of a County proclamation for Harvey Milk Day got up to talk to the Supervisors, according to the OC Weekly.
One of Nguyen’s supporters suggested that she left the room to go breastfeed her child. How convenient – but not true. Nguyen just didn’t want to take a position that would run counter to her Republican Party.
The OC Weekly also revealed that “Chairman Bill Campbell would not extend a 20-minute time limit given to any one topic. Since there were 13 speakers on Harvey Milk Day, Campbell instructed the clerk to give each one 1.5 minutes instead of the usual 3 minutes each, May reports.”
Campbell was one of the Republicans who supported Monsignor John Urell, who covered up for Catholic priests who molested children. Campbell even tried to appoint Urell to a County Commission.
It should be noted that the Santa Ana City Council issued a proclamation in support of Harvey Milk Day a few years ago, under the leadership of Councilman Sal Tinajero.
There has been talk of recruiting Tinajero to run against Nguyen in 2012.