It has been getting quite cold at night. Of course most of us are sheltered from the cold. We live in heated homes with warm beds and snug pajamas. But as comfortable as most of us in Orange County are, there are many who suffer in the elements. They are the homeless and those of us who live in Santa Ana know more than those in, say Irvine, what a problem this is – as so many of the homeless gather in our Civic Plaza every day.
Dwight Smith, a longtime advocate for the homeless, who is part of the Catholic Worker organization, recently contacted the members of Santa Ana Occupy, to bring them up to speed on the dire straits faced by the homeless. Unfortunately, asking an angry mob to actually work constructively with our elected and appointed officials is not exactly an idea that will bear fruit, but Smith is right – something must be done.
Here is Smith’s letter to Santa Ana Occupy: Continue reading