The Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District (OCMVCD) isreporting an elevated level of invasive Aedes mosquitoes and an increased risk of mosquito borne disease in areas of Santa Ana. A truck-mounted mosquito control application is scheduled for September 14, September 16 and September 18 from 3:00 AM – 5:00 AM to decrease the adult mosquito population and lower the risk of potential disease.
The applications will occur between Edinger to Occidental and from Lowell to Van Ness [see attached maps]. Application dates and times may change due to weather, environmental conditions or other operational needs. Residents can check the spraying schedule and determine whether their homes are located within the treatment area here.

Residents in treatment areas will be notified prior to the treatment date with door flyers left at their homes. All control products used by OCMVCD are registere d by the federal and state Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose of controlling mosquitoes and protecting public health. The products are applied according to the label rate (less than 1 fluid ounce per acre) and are not harmful to people or pets, even if they are present during the application.
The application will also not harm the finishes on cars or homes. Residents do not have to turn off air-conditioning units during the application. These non-native and aggressive day-biting mosquitoes are black and white and lay their eggs along the waterline of containers as small as a bottle cap. The mosquitoes known as Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito), Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito), and Aedes notoscriptus (Australian backyard mosquito) are capable of transmitting debilitating viruses including dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika. While these viruses are not currently being transmitted locally, transmission could begin if someone infected abroad returns to Orange County and is bit by the invasive mosquito. These mosquitoes are also known to transmit dog heartworm to dogs and cats. Vector Control officials are urging residents to take the necessary precautions to reduce mosquito breeding and to avoid bites from these aggressive ankle-biters.
“Residents must do their part to check their yard regularly and eliminate standing water and water-holding containers” said Lora Young, Director of Communications.
Mosquito control is a shared responsibility and residents need to take an active role in removing water sources and sharing information with their neighbors to help in controlling mosquitoes.
Residents should take the following precautions to help reduce the chances of getting bitten
by mosquitoes:
• Dump and drain any containers filled with water at least once a week
• Clean and scrub bird baths and pet water bowls weekly
• Dump water from potted plant saucers
• Do not transport or share plant stems rooted in water
• Drill a hole or puncture containers to eliminate standing water
To prevent mosquito bites, the District offers the following tips:
• Apply mosquito repellents to exposed skin before going outdoors; reapply as recommended
• Wear repellent containing DEET®, Picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus
• Close all unscreened doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering your home or space; repair broken or damaged screens
• Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and opt for lighter-colored clothing
Visit ocvector.org to learn more about what you can do to prevent mosquito breeding in and around your property.
13001 Garden Grove Boulevard
Garden Grove, CA 92843-2102
Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District
Serving Orange County since 1947