Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido spoke to the members of Com Link, which is an organization of all the Santa Ana Neighborhood Associations, last night, at the Police Station Community Room.
Most of his mayoral opponents were there, including George Collins, Alfredo Amezcua and Charles Hart. You can see them in the pictures above. Collins also videotaped Pulido’s comments.
The meeting was well-attended as most of the chairs were filled. Pulido received a loud ovation at the end of the meeting.
Pulido was there to talk about the City of Santa Ana’s budget. He discussed the current status of the budget and talked about upcoming development, which will boost our economy and create thousands of local jobs.
Pulido also talked about Prop. 22, which will prevent the State Legislature from raiding city coffers further.
Pulido appeared comfortable and spoke without the use of notes. None of his opponents asked any questions, although past mayoral candidate Staley Fiala did make several comments.
Ousted City Commissioner Glen Stroud did ask about the City’s reserves, which are depleted. Pulido is working hard to resolve the budget crisis, including negotiating with our public employees’ unions.
Pulido was also asked how many hours he spends working as our part-time Mayor. He said he works over forty hours a week on city business.