The Forum Press
is pleased to announce the
1st Southern California Book Signing Event for:
Steven Greenhut
author of
How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation Continue reading
The Forum Press
is pleased to announce the
1st Southern California Book Signing Event for:
Steven Greenhut
author of
How Public Employee Unions are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation Continue reading→
Chase Arthur, Picture Courtesy of the O.C. Register
Santa Ana External Affairs Director Jill Arthur was in the news today as the O.C. Register revealed that an anonymous donor stepped up to help pay for her son Chase Arthur’s first year of college, at the exclusive Santa Clara University.
The donor’s name was revealed when Jill had to file paperwork with the state FPPC (Fair Political Practices Commission) due to her job and that of her husband, Craig Arthur, an Orange County Superior Court Commissioner (that means he is essentially a judge).
The donor is my good friend Jim Gray – a retired Orange County Superior Court Judge who is well known for his books about legalizing drugs. He is also a Libertarian and he has run for Congress. Today he writes a column for a local newspaper. Continue reading→
Santa Ana Mayoral Candidate Alfredo Amezcua and State Senator Lou Correa
State Senator Lou Correa’s Holiday Party was a big hit today. The party was held at the board room of the Rancho Santiago Community College District. A Correa staffer estimated that over 500 people attended throughout the evening.
Correa recognized his Young Senators – a group of high school students that Correa mentors. Their families and friends were in attendance along with many elected officials and political candidates.
There were quite a few Republicans in attendance, including former state legislator Todd Spitzer; Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu; OC GOP Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Manny Padilla; former Santa Ana Councilman John Acosta and his wife; and past Assembly candidate Otto Bade. Continue reading→
Paul and Manjeet Ghuman are opening their new 7-Eleven store on Saturday, Dec. 19. They will offer raffle prizes, free samples and meal deals! The Ghumans are supporters of their local community want to continue their involvement. They are currently the sponsors for the Westminsters Founders Day Parade, and the Fountain Valley Tree Lighting Ceremony. They also donate products for the Riverview West Neighborhood Association Meetings, Santa Anita Neighborhood Association Meetings, and the Path of Hopes Thanksgiving Dinner.
Here is the press release announcing their grand opening celebration and ribbon-cutting ceremony:
The Sign of Convenience Opens its Doors in Santa Ana
7-Eleven Celebrates the Grand Opening of its Newest Store with Fun-Filled Events, Music and Refreshments
WHAT: 7-Eleven will celebrate the opening of its newest location in Santa Ana on Saturday, December 19th with a grand opening celebration. The festivities will include a ribbon cutting ceremony to commemorate the opening as well as an appearance by a DJ, as well as free samples, meal deals and raffle prizes for the community. Continue reading→
Senator Correa played Santa Claus last year when he delivered toys to the kids at the Multicultural Center at St. Anselm’s
State Senator Lou Correa is hosting a “Holiday Open House,” on Thursday, December 3rd, 2009, from 4:00 – 6:30 pm, at 2323 North Broadway, Santa Ana.
Here is Lou’s invitation to the public:
Come visit our District Office and meet our staff, local elected officials, community leaders, business leaders, and maybe your neighbors!
Learn about new laws that will affect all Californians in 2010. Continue reading→
Rather than print thousands of cards this year, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez will instead make donations to Orange County non-profits in need by sponsoring a holiday donation competition, according to her campaign website.
Your favorite non-profit could benefit – click here to apply today! Deadline is Monday, December 16.
“In light of these tough economic times and given the continued focus on climate change and the need to do more to protect our environment, there was no question that for the first time ever, the right thing for me to do this year was to go green with my holiday cards,” said Sanchez. “Those who typically receive my cards will still receive my card, only this year they will receive an electronic version. And with the money we normally spend on printing and mailing the cards, my campaign will give donations to needy non-profits in Orange County through a competitive application process.” Continue reading→
Art sale at Santa Ana College . . this week only!
The art sale features lots of ceramic pieces by local artist Connie Major.
Dec. 1 & 2, 2009
10:30am to 4:00pm and 6:00am to 9:00pm
Dec. 3, 2009
10:00am to 3:00pm Continue reading→
The GOP is so unpopular in Santa Ana that a Latina candidate who is challenging Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is running as an independent, although her views appear to be somewhat Republican in nature. Her name is Cecilia “Ceci” Iglesias.
Iglesias has already found out that running for office can expose you to creepy attacks. A Liberal OC blogger ripped Iglesias today in a post over at the Liberal OC blog – and he actually published her home address. I don’t know that Iglesias has qualified as a candidate for Congress, but thanks to the Liberal OC, her address is now out there for all to see, and her family has been put at risk.
Memo to the LOC – Iglesias has a right to run for Congress. That does not give you the right to publish her home address. That is irresponsible and threatening. If anything happens to Iglesias, her family or her property the S.A.P.D. will be calling you! Continue reading→
Sometimes the squirrels fight back!
My dog really hates squirrels! And this year we have had a lot of them in our neighborhood.
Today we received a letter from anonymous neighbor threatening to call the police because my dog barks.
How ridiculous. My dog sleeps in the house at night. He barks during the day, but usually only for about five minutes at a time. When he sees a squirrel or when the other neighbor’s dogs are out.
I reviewed the City of Santa Ana’s dog barking ordinance and sure enough it does not the time of day or the duration of a dog barking. Here is the letter I sent to the City Council Members asking them to review and revise their dog barking ordinance: Continue reading→
“Mexican Consul Carlos Rodríguez y Quezada is retiring from his post in Santa Ana on Monday, his spokesman Agustin Pradillo Cuevas said today,” according to the O.C. Register.
Quezada has been controversial, to say the least. He replaced a Consul who was very popular, and who fought for the rights of Mexican immigrants. The problem with Quezada is that, from the first day in his office, he was an elitist.
Apparently the Mexican government has taken note about his unpopularity – and now he is being replaced, by Alejandra Garcia Williams, according to Gustavo Arellano, over at the OC Weekly’s Navelgazing blog. Continue reading→
“Orange County Superior Court officials decided to put a Christmas tree back in the courthouse lobby today after receiving dozens of complaints from court staff,” according to the O.C. Register.
The tree – which was part of a solicitation of toy donations for needy children and has been a tradition in the courthouse for more than 20 years – was taken down earlier this week after a member of the public complained about it.
Is there a national war on Christmas? Continue reading→
Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Karen Roper (714) 480-2805, cell (714) 423-8315
November 25, 2009
(Santa Ana, CA) – The County of Orange announces the December 1, 2009 opening of the Cold Weather Armory Emergency Shelter Program, the seasonal program that provides up to 400 beds for the homeless. The program provides shelter along with a nutritious meal, warm shower, safe place to sleep, warm clothes, a wide variety of supportive services, and a friendly and safe atmosphere. The shelters will be located at the National Guard Armories in Fullerton and Santa Ana (address information attached). Continue reading→
Bah humbug! The Christmas tree in the Orange County Courthouse is no more, according to the La Figa blog. Here are a few excerpts from their post:
For twenty years during the holidays, there’s been a decorated tree in the lobby of the Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana, California. In recent years, reports this Orange County Register, the tree has held wish cards from the courthouse’s ‘Operation Santa Claus’ effort.
Members of the public would come and grab tags – which sought donations for specific children. Last year, the courthouse got 374 presents for the toy drive.
This year someone complained. And the tree came down. If I was wanted to buy into the “vast right wing conspiracy” I’d say it was some neo-con who made the call in order to propigate the “War on Christmas” BS.
The Democratic Party of Orange County is offering a free candidate training workshop! If you are planning on running for local office or will be working on a campaign, we strongly encourage you to attend this all day training.
Learn what it takes to run a successful campaign from those who have done it!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided.
Help keep this training program going by becoming a sponsor! Continue reading→
The Orange County Human Relations Commission is having their annual Holiday Wassail on Dec. 10, in Santa Ana. Below are the details about this fun event:
Wassail with Us!
December 10th, 4-6pm
at OC Human Relations, at 1300 S. Grand Ave. Bldg. B, Santa Ana CA, 92705
Every year at this time OC Human Relations invites our friends to join us in a toast to good health or “Wassail”. We hope you will come raise a glass of hot cider with us to wish for peace and justice in our communities. Continue reading→