Jason & his daughter Hailley
On March 15, Jason E. “Hoss” Hallstrom and Travis Mock, 29, were being chased by SAPD SWAT officers on I-5 when they got off at Grand Avenue and headed north, Santa Ana authorities said. The officers in question ended up shooting Hallstrom to death, and wounding Mock.
No one seems to know exactly what happened or why the SAPD SWAT team chased down and shot these individuals. However a friend of Hallstrom, Jeffrey Lowe, has contacted me with information that suggests the shooting was premeditated.
According to Lowe, it has been said that Mock has a million dollar law suit against the City of Anaheim for a O.I.S. (officer-involved shooting) that happened back in Feb. 2011. That is not a lot of money for a city awash in tourist tax revenue, however Lowe is wondering if the public is altogether aware just how the Anaheim/Santa Ana police departments are connected? Continue reading