The City of Santa Ana’s Arts & Culture Office is issuing a Call for Public Art Proposals (CFP) to Santa Ana-based artists OR organizations including Santa Ana-based artists for the design, fabrication, and installation of an original, durable, and low-maintenance outdoor public artwork. The artwork will be suitable for placement on the southeast corner of Willits and Sullivan Streets as part of the “Willits-Sullivan Beautification Project.” The all-inclusive budget for the project is up to $18,000, and the timeframe for project completion is 1 year or less from full execution of the agreement. A panel will review complete proposals submitted and award one artist/organization the contract to execute their public art concept. The deadline for proposal submission is Monday, November 4, 2019 at 11:59 PM (PST) and submitted online via Submittable.com.

This CFP intends to engage Santa Ana-based artists to work with students from Abraham Lincoln Elementary School to create public art that will reflect the history and diversity of the surrounding neighborhood as well as address issues of health and safety regarding the community.
The themes previously identified during community meetings include:
1) Children and families working together to care for the environment and cleaning up the community
2) Children physically active in the community (walking, biking, playing at the park)
3) Mothers, fathers, and grandparents taking their children to school
4) Reflections of childhood memories from other countries of origin.
The artwork will be placed on the southeast corner of Willits Street and Sullivan Street. The site is a city-owned, triangular-shaped parcel, approximately 2,000 square feet in the Bella Vista Neighborhood, a predominantly residential area, and across the street from Abraham Lincoln Elementary School. The parcel is landscaped with plants.
Applicants are invited and encouraged to visit the site. Staff will be onsite to answer any questions on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM. Please RSVP with gcramer@santa-ana.org
-Submittable.com website: https://cityofsantaana.submittable.com/submit
KEY APPLICATION DATES (Subject to change at discretion of City):
Event dates, times, and locations may be subject to change under certain circumstances. Please check back on the Arts & Culture Office web page for any changes prior to attending the Q&A and Arts & Culture Commission meetings.
Website: https://www.santa-ana.org/cd/arts-culture-office
9/30/19 Application Available on Submittable.com
10/16/19 On-Site Q&A, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM RSVP with gcramer@santa-ana.org
10/21/19 Deadline to submit application questions
11/4/19 Applications DUE online by 11:59 pm
12/6/19 Mandatory in-person presentation by finalists / Panel review
12/19/19 Funding recommendations from Arts Commission
1/2020 Artist notified + Project commences
Any questions regarding this APPLICATION please direct emails to Gabriela Cramer at gcramer@santa-ana.org.