Now that Kim Pham, the 23-year-old young woman who was brutally beaten up on Friday night while waiting outside The Crosby, a hipster bar/restaurant/nightclub in Downtown Santa Ana, has died from her injuries one can expect that everything about DTSA will be scrutinized by the press. The same goes for The Crosby.
Bad enough that the police response to the beating was slow and security cameras appear to be nonexistent in DTSA. But The Crosby, as it turns out, also has a not so great health record. In fact their Health Permit was suspended in November!
Here is their entire record of violations, as issued by the Orange County Health Care Agency. This is public information and unfortunately we live in a County where restaurants are not give letter grade health ratings. So you have to click here to look up this info online.
Service | Date |
11/29/2013 |
FOOD OT FOLLOW-UP (type ot)/OTHER ![]() |
11/29/2013 |
Water Temp (100F-119F)/Wash Temp <100F/Cross Con | |
11/27/2013 |
11/27/2013 |
Hot Water (<= 99F) not Avail Throughout Facility | |
Improper Cooling Practices | |
Lack of Food Protection Manager Certificate | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Uncleanliness of Premises/Trash Storage | |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Evidence of Vermin Activity/Presence of Animals/Insects | |
Improper Holding Temperatures of PHF | |
Inappropriate Sanitizer Level/ Lack of Test Strips | |
07/24/2013 |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Lack of Food Protection Manager Certificate | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
07/18/2013 |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Improper Holding Temperatures of PHF | |
Uncleanliness of Premises/Trash Storage | |
Change Room Improper Use/Lack of | |
Lack of Food Protection Manager Certificate | |
03/20/2013 |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
03/14/2013 |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Lack of/Improper Handwashing/Handwashing Sup. | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
Inoperable/Lack of Food Thermometer | |
02/28/2013 |
Improper Cooling Practices | |
Improper Holding Temperatures of PHF | |
Inoperable/Lack of Food Thermometer | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Lack of/Improper Handwashing/Handwashing Sup. | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
10/30/2012 |
Improper Sanitizer Concentration/Method | |
Evidence of Vermin Activity/Presence of Animals/Insects | |
Signs/Labels/Menu Board/Trans Fat-Missing/Incorrect/Lack of Food Handler Card | |
Improper Holding Temperatures of PHF | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
06/27/2012 |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Signs/Labels/Menu Board/Trans Fat-Missing/Incorrect/Lack of Food Handler Card | |
06/12/2012 |
Signs/Labels/Menu Board/Trans Fat-Missing/Incorrect/Lack of Food Handler Card | |
Change Room Improper Use/Lack of | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Improper Food Storage/Receiving | |
Unapproved Pesticides/Chemicals/Labeling | |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Improper Holding Temperatures of PHF | |
03/01/2012 |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
02/16/2012 |
Lack of Food Protection Manager Certificate | |
Improper Holding Temperatures of PHF | |
Inappropriate Sanitizer Level/ Lack of Test Strips | |
Unsanitary Equipment/Utensil/Linen/Plumbing | |
Lack of/Improper Handwashing/Handwashing Sup. | |
Lack of/Unsanitary/Condition Walls/Floors/Ceilings | |
Bizarre – a person was killed on the street in Downtown Santa Ana and you talk about food … bizarre ….. very bizarre.
Not really. You’re a business owner so you understand that this incident is going to turn into a general liability claim. For restaurants food safety is a major component of general liability.
Your an Idiot, this has nothing to do whatsoever with the fact that several people acted in an ignorant brutal fashion. Report the news and help find the criminals- don’t hide your Crosby witch hunt in a story about an innocent girl who was beaten to death. Have some integrity.
So you think the folks at the Crosby have integrity after reviewing their foul record of health violations? Really?
We’re taking a holistic approach to this story. All the cards are on the table.
What in the world are you taking about?
People have been discussing the gentrification of downtown Santa Ana on this site from the beginning.
Many posters predicted (fearfully) that this is exactly what was going to happen to the downtown community. Young adults fueled up on booze, testosterone (or estrogen!) and drugs would destroy it. While the out of town business and property owners RAPE the area of character, financial independence and basic services take their profits back to Newport Beach, Villa Park and areas beyond, WE, the residents are left to mop up the vomit, urine and now blood.
If the management of the Crosby was the LEAST BIT interested in anything but their reputation and PROFIT$, their staff would have stopped this, or at least called in the police.
The government will do NOTHING because these same business owners lined the pockets of the city council. Meanwhile people like you criticize from us when we question “ALL NIGHT” liquor service and granting MORE liquor licenses.
The fact that this could become a RACE issue very quickly is even scarier, it is being reported that the attackers used racial slurs while kicking this young lady to death.
Is this what we get when taxpayers send elected officials to NALEAO conferences instead of good government conferences? That is a fair and honest question.
The city council owns this.
“People have been discussing the gentrification of downtown Santa Ana on this site from the beginning.” – wrong!!!!!!
What is going on in DTSA is not “gentrification” – it is “booze-ification.” Here is an example of real gentrification that works –
“San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter has fully risen into respectability”
Read more here:
Wow. You are spot on there McDuff
Sounds like there are too many bars and not enough legitimate upscale dining establishments and entertainment in DTSA. Yeah …. I said it ….”upscale” – take it to mean whatever you want it to mean.
My daughter told me that recently her and friends were caught between a group of black thugs and a group of Mexican thugs who were brandishing firearms – right near the Crosby. She will not go downtown ever again.
If you knew anything about the restaurant industry, minor infractions are common when health inspectors perform their random routine checks. All the blue line items above are minor infractions that pose less risk of causing food borne illness while the red are high risk infractions. They found a bowl of pasta sitting out – ooops! Way to do your journalistic research. I did some research also: That’s the Starbucks’ health inspection record – you know, the one next door to The Crosby. You’re juxtaposition of this article with the street fight incident has no common ground and you’re presenting a complex document to the public for them to consume with assumptions.
A suspended health permit is a serious matter. And Starbucks isn’t charging an arm and a leg for their food.
Yes, I agree it is a serious matter and also easily addressed and corrected.
Your reasoning goes like this: “Poor health record and “overpriced” food = bash, boo, I no like! Poor health record and “well-priced food” = my love, my support”.
Starbucks is charging an arm and a leg for their food. Just because they’re selling cold sandwiches and tapwater, the consumer can still pay “arm and leg” prices.
LOL. I read the Yelp comments about the Crosby. They’re a rip off and the last thing they should be is pretentious given their sad health record.
This is not about one restaurant and food sanitation is an ancillary issue.
Again not really. This is going to be a huge General Liability claim and a bad food safety record and health violations show that a restaurant does not care about the public. It is absolutely salient.
I doubt there will be any liability. Happened outside the Crosby – not their responsibility.
This is not about “one restaurant” – and food sanitation is an ancillary issue here. This is about the atmosphere that the City Council has allowed to develop in Downtown Santa Ana. They wanted gentrification – but due to their ineptitude they are getting booze-ification.
I think the City is in a transition – currently trying to balance the wants of businesses, residents, and visitors in one of the first cities in Orange County. In an earlier post, you actually argue for “one restaurant”. It happens to be an upscale one where the younger population will not visit. Fine dining is great. But so are hole in the wall, family-owned, brick and mortar joints. I think balancing the planning of a community with diversity in watering holes, restaurants, shops, and music venues is fun and adds to the excitement of any place you visit. I wouldn’t want to see DTSA turn into a DTF or HB main street, no way. Places like that isolate a whole population and only matter when your young, dumb, and full of … There’s way too much culture, history, and lifestyles squeezed in a small area of land here to hash out any immediate change. To punish a city by removing an opportunity to wind down, flash a titty, get drunk, dance, hook up, is just gonna piss more people off. Humans need this kind of stuff, albeit not all humans. It helps to calm the restlessness of the city.
“It helps to calm the restlessness of the city.”
Tell that to the dead girl’s family.
Surely you’ve had a nightlife before, yeah? This was one ‘incident’ that occurred after hundreds and thousands of nights of partying by plenty of people ended in peace, hangovers, and good memories. Places like these allow for a space to unwind. It is impossible to control for every situation. Unfortunately a person died while seeking a good time, so we close the bar and put in a posh dining experience? I stand by my words. Society is restless in many ways. some want to have Italian wines with Cornish hen and risotto and others need a good ol sip of grandpas medicine.
When women kick and stomp another woman to death that is not an incident. And if I am correct in surmising that race was involved it is a hate crime too.
You reap what you sow and this push for more and more bars is reaping a bitter dividend.
On occasion, the Editor and Seamus are in agreement. This is so in regard to this comment.
…and gentrification isn’t?
Bars do not equal gentrification – bars = Dodge City.
^^^this guy…smh.