The Santa Ana City Council unanimously proclaimed a Local Emergency tonight to fight the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and protect public health.
The Local Emergency immediately went into effect and will:
• Close City Hall and other City buildings to the public beginning Wednesday, March 18. Libraries, community centers, recreational centers, the Santa Ana Police Department headquarters and the Santa Ana Zoo were already closed to the public.
• Suspend street sweeping parking citations retroactively from Sunday, March 15, through the end of the month.
• Protect consumers against price gouging. It is unlawful for any person or business to sell consumer food items, goods or services for more than 10% above the price immediately prior to the proclamation.
• Allow development projects to stay on track by authorizing the extension of real estate agreements or contracts without Council approval. Reports on any extensions will be presented at each Council meeting.
• Waive late charges or late fees for any City-provided service.
• Stop utility service shut-offs for City-provided utilities during the Local Emergency.
• Allow State and Federal emergency assistance to be sought for local protective measures.
• Provide eviction relief for residential tenants in conjunction with any State actions.
• Support protections against business owners from foreclosures and creditors by working with State and Federal officials.
• Require consistent communication by City staff with the Council and the public about actions being taken to protect public health and safety.

The proclamation authorizes City Manager Kristine Ridge to enact these steps during the Local Emergency, which will be in place until the Council chooses to end it.
Essential City services, including Police and Fire, will still be provided during the Local Emergency. More details are forthcoming about how the public can access other essential services.
For the latest information about Santa Ana service impacts and other COVID-19 resources, please visit