An unidentified suspect described as a 6-foot tall Caucasian male between 50-60 years old terrorized a classroom at Santa Ana College on Saturday and prompted a professor to call 911 after campus security failed to answer his calls, according to the campus newspaper, El Don.
Communication Studies Professor Vera Holder took action after the suspect entered the C-Building on the east side of SAC’s main campus. Holder was teaching a class and leading a Communications Club meeting at around 4 p.m., at the time. Holder did not recognize the suspect so she asked him if he needed help.

Picture courtesy of the security office at Santa Ana College
The suspect then entered her classroom, sat down and scribbled a note. Holder went to her office to notify campus security, but the suspect left while she was gone. He left behind a note that stated “Obscure abstract artist shoot world-class G-8 titan of the industry in the head.” There was also a diagram of how the shooting might occur, on the back of the note.
Upon reading the suspect’s note, Holder locked her students in a faculty office. Holder then called campus security twice and they failed to answer her calls so she called 911 and summoned the SAPD.
For additional details about the incident be sure to go read the article about this at El Don.
I am amazed that the Santa Ana College campus security office does not apparently forward calls to their campus security officers’ cell phones when they are out of their office, on patrol or perhaps while they are making a food run at the Chipotle across the street from the campus.
Former Santa Ana Councilwoman and Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Trustees President Claudia Alvarez correctly questioned why the College pays campus security officers who are absent when they are needed. They may as well be replaced by cheaper security guards who won’t demand benefits and large paychecks.
The suspect remains at large.
Campus security are security guards. And, for 19 bucks an hour, what can you expect?
They are armed. Are you sure they aren’t sworn officers?
Guards can be armed. However, I only quickly went by the classification and salary schedule on their website. There doesn’t seem to be any other classification for law enforcement. The description only gives the option for baton and pepper spray, not firearms.
I have a feeling these guys are usually armed with donuts…
There are only 2 places you’ll find campus security: by the Don Express chatting up the female students and in the parking lot giving tickets.
That sounds about right…
That’s only because they don’t have a Dunkin’ Donuts on campus.
These guys dont do shit, i see them always talking in groups of at least 3. About a year ago some random old guy pulled his pants half way down and there was i swear 3 security guards right in front and they never paid attention. Our security gaurds suck, maybe it is time for new people who actually want to be a security guard.
Top flight security, but i can attest to this shit, even the laziest of the lazy wont abandon post , but this smell like they lack the proper equipments and shit .and where was the other 6 guards, at least have a 5 man crew at all time.