On 8/1/1992, Alexander Peter Chuan (28) was reported missing to Santa Ana PD. He was last seen on 7/31/1992 at his residence in Santa Ana. Alexander suffers from mental health conditions which could have led to his disappearance.
Description: Asian male of Filipino and Irish decent, 5’9”, brown hair and sunken deep green eyes. His 2nd toe on his right foot was amputated in an accident.
Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Chuan are asked to contact Investigator Jurado at 714-245-8353 and/or vjurado@santa-ana.org or Detective Garcia at 714-245-8408 and/or agarcia3@santa-ana.org.
You mean to tell us that they are JUST NOW getting around to finding him??? After TWENTY-SEVEN years???????????????