Lake Forest couple Sherry Walker and Adam Nick
Who in the world are Sherry Walker and Adam Nick? They are Orange County political candidates with minute social media profiles. Nick was elected to the Lake Forest City Council in 2012. He is pictured with his wife Sherry on his Facebook page. But Sherry is running for the 69th Assembly District, which includes parts of Santa Ana and Anaheim, while Nick is running for the 46th Congressional District, which includes the same areas. These are carpetbaggers – the question is who are they and what are the up to?
My sources tell me that Walker and Nick are reportedly Iranians who changed their names. Nick owns a gas station and actually sued his own city in a fit because the city granted an alcohol license to a 7-11 but Nick wanted to monopolize alcohol sales in his area. What sort of Councilman sues his own city – forcing taxpayers to waste money in the legal defense process?
If you look at Nick’s LinkedIn page you will find nothing. It is a blank entry. And have a look at his city bio. Empty as well. As for Walker she has no Facebook page. Barely anything comes up when you search for information about her. Both Walker and Nick are running for legislative seats but have no campaign websites!
And guess what? While Nick and Walker are running as Republicans their voter registration history is pathetic. Nick wasn’t even registered to vote from 2004-2008, according to the Orange County Registrar of Voters, and he wasn’t even in a U.S. county! Where the heck was this guy? From 2008 to 2011 he didn’t belong to any political party. He only became a registered Republican in 2011.
As for Walker’s voter registration history, she was registered Decline to State from 2004 to March 4, 2014. Now she is suddenly a Republican. And her only campaign contributor is her husband, Nick, according to the California Secretary of State.
These mysterious Lake Forest carpetbaggers have put adjoining campaign signs up in Santa Ana. They aren’t even trying to hide what they are doing. They are perhaps the most brazen carpetbaggers in Orange County election history.
But why have they infiltrated the Republican Party and why are they suddenly so interested in Central Orange County? Who put them up to this? Well, there are Latino Republicans running in the 69th Assembly District and in the 46th Congressional District. Popular SAUSD Trustee Cecilia Iglesias is challenging career Democratic politician Tom Daly in the 69th Assembly District and Carlos Vazquez is taking on the odious U.S. Representative Loretta Sanchez. It begs the question – did the Democrats put up Walker and Nick in order to try to prevent Latino Republicans from advancing to the November General election against elected Democrats?
If Walker and Nick, who I am told changed their names in order to fool Orange County voters, are indeed Iranians, then it is quite possible that they are being influenced by Democratic Irvine Council Members Larry Agran and Beth Krom, who have a lot of sway in the Orange County Democratic Party. Agran and Krom have a lot of support in the Orange County Iranian community.
But this is all conjecture. What we do know is that Walker and Nick have no business running for legislative seats in Santa Ana/Anaheim. Shame on them for trying to fool the voters!
Good call on this one Admin.
don’t you have to live in a district to be able to represent it?
Walker rented a place in the district. And Nick could openly carpetbag as that is allowed in House races.