A security guard was shot at Original Mike’s last night, according to Derek J. Bordeaus’ Facebook page. Apparently the security guard was injured but is still alive.
For some reason the O.C. Register has not published an article about the shooting. Could it be that their new landlord, developer Mike Harrah, who founded Original Mike’s, put the kibosh on any reporting about this latest criminal incident at Original Mike’s?
One of our readers told us that a guy had a girl sneak a gun into Original Mike’s. The guy was reportedly “in there looking to start something with anyone” but he got in to it with one of the security guards. The suspect then shot at the security guard and wounded him.

Mike Harrah
This is not the first shooting at Original Mike’s. There have in fact been plenty of stabbings there too! A Trip Advisor writer reported that they were a “gang hangout” way back in 2009.
I am glad that Harrah did not end up buying the O.C. Register as well, which he tried to do. Imagine how much news he would not have allowed that paper to print?
The OCR has not been a factual, accurate, timely reporter of news for many years. Why should they start with a non-story like this?
OTOH, you seem to have all the dirt. Why aren’t you reporting it?
I just did. I was waiting until I had 2 sources.
it was fun that night more crowded than what I’m used to when i got to the car with my friend we heard fireworks go off at first then actual gun shots followed scary as hell.
Look in the OC Weekly. Leave Mr. Mike Harrah alone. I don’t see you reporting everything. This looks and sounds like another one of your brain fart articles. How can you write something positive if all you so is step in cow dung.
I did look in the OC Weekly. Nada.
I agree!! Leave Mike alone!!
OC Weekly does the best news source for OC. They don’t hold back the truth and aren’t afraid to say it like it is. They aren’t bought or trying to make politicians.
What the Sh___ you know? about Mike and to leave him alone? You his press agent?
Possibly because Mike Harrah owns the OC Register building.
There was also a drive by shooting on West Borchard Street about two weeks ago around 9pm. A guy got hit luckily survived. Did not hear anything on that. I wonder how many shootings are not being reported.
Everyday occurrence in Santa Ana – nothing new.
So true and I’m getting worried. I have two little ones and it seems that every place I go visit family or friends there has being a shooting lately, even during the day time.
Leave Mike Harrah alone?? Seriously?? He singlehandedly causes more controversy in a week than the OCR can manufacture in a year. He invites disasters like this one with a weekly schedule that begs for incidents like this to happen. I like the food and the cigars at OM’s but I will only go there during the daytime due to the type of people the place attracts at night.
No one needs to defend Harrah. He’s a big boy and can defend himself.
i agree